Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

The benefits of sunshine

“Walking on sunshine, and don’t it feel good!” …the lyrics of a 90’s pop song, all about a summer romance. Romance aside, do you feel you are walking on sunshine?

Summer is upon us and we’re fortunate enough during the past couple of months to have enjoyed some long sunny days. Hopefully there are more to come! It’s well recognised that sunshine tends make us feel better and can promote a sense of vitality and wellbeing.

We do have to take care in the sun, though with all the publicity given to preventing skin cancer the substantial health benefits of exposure to sunlight are often overlooked. Moderate amounts of sunlight can ease depression, help skin problems, strengthen bones, reduce inflammation in the body, influence cholesterol and improve sleep.

The chances are that it may not always be convenient to go outside to make the most of the UK sun when it appears here, though to reap the benefits of the sunshine you don’t need to spend a huge amount of time outside – maybe just a commitment to spend 5 or 10 minutes outside in the sun when it is shining is all that is needed – such time could be taken during work breaks perhaps.

Here is a process that’s great for raising your vitality and feeling of wellbeing and can be done in 5 minutes in the sun:

Sitting (or standing if it’s not possible to sit) face the sun and close your eyes
Take 3 or 4 deep breaths whilst imagining the sunlight being drawn down into your lungs as you breathe in

Whilst doing this imagine that you are being bathed in sunlight – the sunlight and the warmth of the sun passing through the pores of your skin and circulating around your body nourishing every cell

Spend a short time experiencing and being with how your body feels before you finish

If you practice this process as often as you are able you will notice a difference in how you feel. In itself it is great practice for reducing stress and will help move you through the day with less stress. Maybe then you will be walking on sunshine!

Ann Rambaut is a Chartered Physiotherapist and Certified Body Mind Coach, and is always happy to discuss your situation with you, as to whether any of her modalities and experience may be of help. She may be contacted on 01323 411900 or 07436 8100181


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