Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: buteyko

  • Healthy parents, healthier children!

    Healthy parents, healthier children!

    Mother – the most significant occupation in the world! There can be little doubt that the role of mother has a profound effect on the health and well-being and intelligence of our children and that, in turn, this may ensure the health and well-being of the planet and mankind. This was the belief of Prof.…

  • Who wants beautiful, brilliant, healthy children?

    Who wants beautiful, brilliant, healthy children?

    Every child born has the potential to be healthy, beautiful and happy. Sadly we’ve all been misled by many myths that need to be swept away with reason and research. These thought patterns go deep into our subconscious and are not easily removed. I speak with personal experience on this matter; trained as an osteopath…

  • Breathe less for a longer life!

    Breathe less for a longer life!

    “The more you breathe the closer you are to death. The less you breathe the longer you will live.” Konstantin Buteyko 1923-2003. It seems every mammal is allotted the same number of breaths in their lifetime, roughly 600,000,000. Some whales and certain elephants manage on as few as four breaths per minute and can live…

  • Healthy teeth and health through better breathing

    Healthy teeth and health through better breathing

    Healthy teeth, normal facial development and better health through better breathing, will be the focus that The Breath Connection and The Clinic for Facial Orthotropics based in Purley, London, will be working together to promote. All children who are habitual mouth-breathers will have a malocclusion. The mouth breathers’ maxillae and mandibles are foreshortened. Palatal height…

  • Stress management App

    Stress management App

    There are many systems and methods promoted to take control of stress in our lives, usually involving training courses away from the workplace at inconvenient times. We at The Breath Connection have developed an App for smartphone or computers, the “MyButeyko App” that you can use to train yourself to reduce the impact of all…

  • Better Breathing Means Better Health

    Better Breathing Means Better Health

    Breathing is the most vital and most social activity in our lives. Professor Konstantin Buteyko claimed over hundred modern diseases were associated with dysfunctional breathing and did you realise that with every breath you take you inhale some of the exhaled air of every living man and animal on the planet! We don’t all eat…

  • Shut your mouth and live a long and healthy life!

    Shut your mouth and live a long and healthy life!

    George Catlin, an American born 1796, is famous for his remarkable record in paintings and notes of native Indians though his great genius has been almost ignored till recent years. In his book entitled “Shut Your Mouth & Save Your Life” written in 1870 he details his assertions that the bad habit of modern man…

  • Does It Matter How I Breathe ?

    Next time you visit your doctor with whatever complaint or condition you are concerned about, take a minute to ask him or her ‘ Does it matter how I breathe ‘ and whether your breathing habits could affect your general health. You may also like to ask why it is that your blood pressure, weight,…