Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: nutrition

  • How are you and I going to contribute to COP-26 to help save our planet?

    How are you and I going to contribute to COP-26 to help save our planet?

    What is crystal clear from the past decades, is that if we all wait for our Governments to fix the planet it will be too late and there will be no beautiful Earth for our children and grandchildren to inhabit.  We are truly at an unprecedented tipping point for humanity, but not for the planet.…

  • Our NHS From Birth to Old Age Debility?

    Our NHS From Birth to Old Age Debility?

    The National Health Service had a difficult birth 70 years ago. Many GPs did not want to be part of it, fearing they would lose their independence and a patient/doctor relationship, but at a time when many sick people could not afford medical treatment the NHS seem to be a beacon of enlightenment for the…

  • Health News Compendium

    Health News Compendium

    For over two years I have been publishing health news on my website: TotalHealthMatters! Often this is news that is not freely available in the media because there are many powerful vested interests, including the international food giants, the global pharmaceutical companies, governments that want to control their people, the giant agricultural industries, and others…

  • Kate’s (Healthy) Kitchen

    Kate’s (Healthy) Kitchen

    Kate’s Kitchen   Every Wednesday morning on Instagram, Kate shows you what’s in her shopping basket and talks you through a different healthy topic each week. This popular slot has covered subjects like:   Protein – what is it, how much do you need, and how to calculate your individual needs Vitamin D deficiency –…

  • Top Tips to Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

    Top Tips to Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

    I hope you’ll find these top tips to get a good night’s sleep of help. You might find it easier to print this off and star all the tips you think would make the biggest difference to you. Then circle all those you think will be easier for you to do. If it already has…

  • A new start for your health with Lifestyle Medicine

    A new start for your health with Lifestyle Medicine

    Hello Everyone! I was sent something the other day which made me laugh and I’d like to share it with you: Coronacoaster  noun: The ups and downs of a pandemic – one day you’re loving your bubble, going for long walks, baking cakes and pottering in the garden, the next you’re crying, drinking gin for…

  • What is Vincoto?

    What is Vincoto?

    Vincoto represents the heritage of the Venetian countryside; a long lost natural, healthy and tasty recipe. It constitutes a fine balance of grape juice, quince, pear, pumpkin and sweet potato, without added sugar, and is vastly differing from how most jams are made today. As it is produced only with natural ingredients, it benefits a…

  • Boosting our immune systems

    Boosting our immune systems

    It’s Not The Virus, It’s The Host! Let’s start to lower the panic about this Coronavirus-19! Man has survived many such pandemics before because we have the means to combat all infections. We all have the capability of beating any infective agent so long as our health is good. Should we not be looking at our…