3 Ways Binge Watching Your Favourite Show Can Impact Your Health
Post-Christmas often sees much of the UK swap their festive after work drinks and parties for dry January and Netflix binges. As many online streaming services opt to release TV shows a series at a time over an episode a week, many prefer to ‘marathon watch’ their favourite shows. Here, health physician Kara Jones has teamed up with television brand SoapHub to reveal the science behind the health pros and cons of binge watching your favourite shows.
The Release of Dopamine
When participating in an activity we enjoy, the brain releases the chemical dopamine. ‘Dopamine is a neurotransmitter supplied by the hypothalamus, otherwise identified as the brains ‘pathway to reward’ says Jones. ‘Dopamine plays an instrumental role in motivation and incentive in fact, when we achieve an objective or goal the sudden feeling of euphoria is partly due to a sudden rush of dopamine. Watching your favourite TV series encourages the release of Dopamine. As you feel a sense of euphoria, dopamine essentially says to the brain ‘you are enjoying this…keep it up’! This can cause you to crave watching your favourite TV show as your brain craves the release of dopamine’.
‘There is some truth to the expression, ‘I am addicted to that show’. Dopamine isn’t solely accountable for addiction however, as it’s released via the reward pathways of the brain, it plays an instrumental role in why we do what we do and take the actions we take. It is wise to be mindful of this when embarking on a new series or settling down to watch a new show’.
The Mood Lifting Serotonin
According to Jones, ‘watching television that you enjoy for a significant amount of time can serve as a great escapism. This is partly due to the release of serotonin. When our chosen TV shows are positive and upbeat, the body releases serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical made from the amino acid tryptophan. Serotonin reduces depression and works to ease symptoms of anxiety. This explains why our mood can ‘lift’ after watching our favourite TV shows, especially if we watch them with other people as this supresses the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline’.
‘If you have experienced a stressful day, television can serve as an escapism. Just ensure that you do not continue to watch it late into the night as this can impact sleep.’
Policing Blue Light Emittance
‘Falling asleep in front of the TV is common practice for many’ says Jones. ‘In fact, many feel that they find it easier to fall asleep whilst watching a show that they have seen multiple times before. Having the television on at a low volume setting can work to the same principle as falling asleep whilst listening to white noise. However, it is crucial that you are mindful of the impact blue light emittance can have on sleep. Blue light exposure can affect the quality of sleep that a person receives. Melatonin is a hormone that aids in regulating your sleep cycle. The emittance of blue light supresses the production of melatonin meaning that it may take you longer to fall asleep. The flicking of the screens can also interrupt the lighter stages of sleep seeing that your body misses out on the vital restorative stages of sleep’.
‘If you have a television in your bedroom, I suggest that you implement a strict turn off time each night. This will ensure that you protect yourself from blue light emittance and noise pollution’.