7 Productivity Hacks You Wish You Knew Sooner
“If there are nine rabbits on the ground, if you want to catch one, just focus on
Jack Ma
Life can often be hectic and demanding, and at times, it seems like we have more things to do than time in the day. We get so obsessed with the idea of being busy that we forget about our own well-being and ways to be efficient. Whether you are working, studying or running your home, making small changes to your daily habits can make a big difference in your productivity, energy, and efficiency levels. So, let’s discuss what tips you can apply to improve your productivity.
1. One Thing At A Time
While multitasking can feel like you can do more in less time, it’s quite often tiring and overpowering. Earn K. Miller, a neuroscience professor, says multitasking is not humane. It’s just us humans playing with our brains, thinking we will get more done in less time. Studies show that if you focus on one task at a time, you save more time as you get to fully focus on the task and avoid making unnecessary mistakes. Try to limit your to-do list to 3 things a day to avoid overwhelming yourself.
2. Follow The 5 Second Rule
Mel Robbins, an American lawyer, author and motivational speaker has helped thousands of people by introducing them to her 5-second rule. According to her rule, whenever you have to do something but find yourself procrastinating, “you must physically move within 5 seconds, or your brain will kill it”. Our brains are wired to stop us from doing things we find uncomfortable and scary. So, next time you find yourself struggling to get something done you’ve been putting off, count down from 5 get up and get started.
3. Understand What Time Of Day Works For You
To improve your productivity, you need to understand what time of the day works best for you. For example, you may find that doing some analysis or creative design works best in the morning or evening and catching up on emails works best in the afternoon. Tasks can be completed a lot quicker when you understand what time of day you’ll be more efficient in. Try these quiz’ to find out Chronotype Quiz or Early Bird or Night Owl.
4. Take Regular Short Breaks In Between Tasks
We always forget to factor in breaks within our days. Try to take short breaks if you’re feeling unproductive or restless in your studies, at work, or running errands. Taking regular breaks between monotonous tasks can help to refresh your mind and increases creativity and efficiency levels. This can be as little as going for a quick walk to stretch your legs to get a change of environment or some yoga to improve mindfulness. If you only pause when you’re exhausted and can no longer function, you’re not doing your mind or body any justice.
5. De-clutter your workspace
Another thing that affects our ability to concentrate is the environment we’re working in. If your workspace or home feels overwhelming, you can easily get distracted and it can cause you to feel stressed and apprehensive. Arrange your tables, chairs, books, drawers and de-clutter anything that doesn’t serve its purpose. Feel free to add any decorative items that make you feel good and livens up your space. For instance, many people like to add replica university transcripts or degree certificates on their desks to motivate themselves. Likewise, you can also place a copy of your degree on your desk or decorate it with scented candles to make it more aesthetic. Decorate it however you like. Doing this will immediately help you release any mental clutter and it helps your ability to focus and relax better.
6. Music
The joy of music. Listening to music helps the brain release dopamine, boosts your productivity & focus, which can help you fly through your tasks. This can make working, cleaning, cooking or studying feel more enjoyable. Try and choose music that won’t completely distract you, so you can concentrate on your tasks than the music.
7. Hydration & Nutrition
I know it sounds obvious, but you’ll be surprised how many meals people skip in a day because they are too busy and forget to eat. Nutritious food doesn’t only help you with your energy levels, but it also boosts brain power. Our brains need food to function. So in the midst of your productive day, don’t forget to eat nutritiously varied meals and stay hydrated. Dehydration can impair your cognitive performance, and, if you drink enough water, hopefully it makes you get up to use the bathroom and move around.
I hope you’ve been able to find some tips to improve your productivity and make your day run as smoothly as possible. As much as we would like everyday to be as productive as the next, always remember to be kind to yourself. Even a relaxing day can be a productive day.
With love,
Vanessa (NESS & ME)