8 Nutritional Tips for Muscle Growth with Home Training

Many people have weight goals. It is either of three things – weight loss, weight gain, or muscle growth. Some people hit the gym to actualize these goals, but they can be actualized right at home.

Furthermore, exercise is only one of the things required to actualize these goals. Nutrition is also in the picture and is even more important. To make things clearer, the chances of actualizing these goals are 20 percent about exercise, while most of the rest is down to nutrition. You can click here for more insight on this.

Against this backdrop, this article discusses how to achieve muscle growth with proper nutrition. Of course, this does not rule out the role of exercise.

Important Nutritional Components for Enhancing Muscle Growth

Not taking care of the nutritional side of things can deter you from achieving this goal. This would amount to frustration considering how much time and effort goes into exercising. To this end, some proven nutritional tips to help with this course are discussed below:

1. Sufficient Protein Intake

You may already know how connected protein (as a food class) is to muscle growth and repair from your high school days. But for the sake of providing absolute clarity, this food class is at the core of achieving this goal.

Particularly, it ensures that your muscle mass remains intact and even better while you lose weight. This is besides other important advantages such as ensuring and boosting hormone and enzyme production. This important food class can be gotten from:

  • Turkey
  • Pork
  • Beef
  • Fish
  • Legumes
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • Dairy Products

Your current body weight largely determines how much protein is sufficient enough. Somewhere between 1.5 to 2.3 grams per body weight kilogram daily would do.

2. Carbohydrates

Actualizing this goal requires excess calorie intake as opposed to how it is with weight loss. This simply means that you need more calories from your food intake than your body burns for fuel. Somewhere between 250 and 500 calories are required daily. The actual amount depends on your current body weight and a couple of other things.

However, performing the right exercises while you do this is important as it makes the difference between becoming overweight and gaining the desired muscle mass. Having made this clear, carbohydrate consumption is crucial for the sake of gaining excess calories. This food class should even make up more than half of the meals that would be consumed.

This calls for knowledge of foods that contain this food class. To this end, carbohydrate-rich foods include vegetables, legumes, fruits, starchy foods, and whole grains. By the way, some of these contain more carbohydrates than others.

3. Healthy Fats

For the record, the emphasis is on “healthy fats” and not just any “fats.” So, bear this in mind when adding this food class. By the way, foods that fall under the category of healthy fats include:

  • Coconut Oil
  • Fatty Fish – Such as Salmon
  • Olive Oil
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Avocados

Proper and enhanced hormone production is important for muscle growth. This is especially the case with hormones like testosterone.

Fortunately, healthy fats like the ones listed above support this course. This is especially done by supporting cell structure & function, reducing inflammation, enhancing nutrient absorption, and providing energy.

4. Micronutrients

Foods that aid muscle function & recovery are vital for this course, which is why micronutrients have to be in the mix. A large number of micronutrients fall into this category including:

  • Calcium – As it aids muscle contraction
  • B Vitamins – Essential for red blood cell production and conversion of food to energy
  • Vitamin D – Supports muscle functions and bone health
  • Magnesium – Plays a key role in supporting muscle functions & protein synthesis
  • Zinc – Crucial for supporting immune function and protein synthesis

The good thing is that a lot of meals contain a healthy balance of micronutrients and other required food components. Quite a lot of fruits fall into this category, for instance. However, you need to know them and make the most of them.

5. Stay Hydrated

Water does quite a lot for this course and overall health. Some of the ways that staying hydrated helps support this course include the following ways:

  • Cramps Prevention
  • Aiding Digestion
  • Nutrient Transportation & Absorption
  • Performance Enhancement During Workouts
  • Regulation of Body Temperature
  • Maintenance of Muscle Function
  • Waste Removal

In light of all this, staying hydrated is important. By the way, water is always important, regardless of one’s fitness goal.

Additional Nutritional Tips for Muscle Growth with Home Training

Besides having the right nutritional components for this course, some other nutritional tips for muscle growth with home training include the following:

6. Meal Timing

A lot depends on your performance during your muscle-building exercise sessions. To this end, eating certain food categories at certain times can help boost your performance during these sessions.

Having carbohydrates and protein a while before your session is therefore recommended. It also helps with muscle growth & repair, amongst other things.

7. Using Supplements

Keeping track of what you should eat and how much should be consumed can be a daunting task. As a result, supplement use can come in very handy.

8. Consistency with your Eating Schedule

Being consistent with your eating schedule would help boost your energy levels, regulate your appetite, aid muscle recovery & growth, and support your metabolism. So, make sure to be consistent with when you eat.


Other helpful tips should be taken into consideration in the spirit of actualizing fitness goals. You can see homegymmania.com for more on this. This is all in the spirit of staying fit and also feeling good about your shape.

However, nutrition is the most important aspect of actualizing muscle growth and fitness goals at large. To this end, it must be paid serious attention.

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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