8 Ways Personal Trainers Help Boost The Wellbeing Of Their Clients 

Discover how personal trainers play a vital role in improving and maintaining the wellbeing of their clients. 

If you want to improve your well-being, then working with a personal trainer is an amazing and effective way to do it. Indeed, below you’ll find 9 detailed ways in which a personal trainer can possibly impact the health and wellbeing of their clients. Read on to find out more. 

  1. Keep People Motivated 

First of all, personal trainers are great at keeping people motivated to move their bodies and exercise regularly. It’s just like with any other habit that we want to form, in that when we have a regular appointment to do that thing, and we know that someone else will be waiting for us and expecting us to be there, it becomes much harder to drop or ignore. 

Another way in which personal trainers can help boost our motivation is to help us set goals that work for us, and give us an idea of what we can expect from working out. Lastly, when we work with a personal trainer they will be there to provide praise when we do well and encouragement when we are struggling. This can be hugely motivating for many people, as it’s this additional layer of support that keeps us going when times are hard. 

  1. Provide Accountability 

When it’s a matter of taking ourselves to the gym alone, or even switching on that workout YouTube at home with no one taking account of whether we turn up or not it’s so easy to let just one workout slide. Unfortunately as soon as we skip one, it becomes just a little easier to skip the next one, as we have all the guilt and shame building up that we’d just rather not look at. Then before you know it, you’ve missed an entire week’s workouts, and then a month, and all the good habits that you have worked so hard to achieve seem lost. 

That is why it’s so important that you have someone to whom you are accountable when exercising, and a personal trainer is the perfect person for this. The reason? Well, personal trainers are professionals that are paid to help you get results. That means, unlike your best friend, or your gym buddy, they won’t be convinced to skip a session after a hard day at work, or a bad night’s sleep, and they certainly won’t encourage you to head to the pub or grab a pizza if you are feeling peckish either. 

  1. Create Personalized Plans 

One of the best things about working with a personal trainer for wellness is that they are personal. What that means is they will come up with a plan specifically personalized to your needs, goals and abilities. 

This is great because we are all so different and live in very different bodies so what is good for one person is not necessarily the way to wellness for another. For example, what works for someone interested in bodybuilding in terms of movement, sleep, and nutrition will look very different to what will work for someone trying to simply increase their mobility. The problem with non-personalized training such as exercise videos and even classes is that they can often ignore this fact and provide a much more homogenized one-size-fits-all approach! 

When working with a personal trainer for wellbeing it’s important to be honest with them, not only about your current fitness levels, but also about any injuries, or problems you have. By doing this you can help them to create a personalized plan that will account for your particular needs which means not only will you see the results you need faster, but also helps you avoid injury as well. 

  1. Offer Expertise And Guidance.

These days there is such a wealth of fitness information out there, much of it contradicting itself that it can be hard to discern what is true, legitimate or even helpful. The good news is that a professional personal trainer who has gone through an accredited course will have all the expertise they need to guide you to what is useful, helpful and true. 

What this means is that when you are choosing a personal trainer, you must pick one that has attended something like this personal trainer course which is properly accredited. Indeed, the fitness group accredited course described is one that is internationally recognised in Dubai, London and Europe so you can be sure that any personal trainer who has passed it will offer only the highest level of guidance and expertise to their clients. 

  1. Mix Things Up To Prevent Boredom 

Another important way that personal trainers can contribute to the well-being of their clients is by making working out interesting. After all, there is nothing worse than doing the same workout day-in-and-day-out, as it drags on and feels like even five minutes lasts forever. However, in a workout where you don’t notice the time passing because you are engaged and enjoying yourself the time will fly by and it’s so much easier to not only have the motivation to start but to finish the entire thing as well. 

One of the most effective ways that personal trainers can help prevent boredom in their clients is to regularly mix up the types of workouts they do. For example, one way of doing this is to create a schedule where the client never does the same workout twice a week. Indeed, the benefits of this approach are that not only does it keep the mind engaged, but it’s great for the body too as you will be using different sets of muscles every day and getting a really good whole-body workout. 

Another option is to introduce the idea of chance and randomness into each workout. Some personal trainers do this with dice or cards, and even though the sessions are broadly the same the different permutations and reps can help keep things from getting boring. 

  1. Minimize The Risk Of Injury 

Injuries tend to not be conducive to well-being, and wellness most certainly includes keeping the body free from injury. Personal trainers can play a vital role in keeping their clients injury-free because they will have plenty of knowledge and experience in how to stretch before moving and how to use the correct form when exercising. Indeed, good form when lifting can make all the difference to your results as well as reduce the risk of injury. 

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Personal trainers will also be able to adapt a routine for you, if you have an injury that you do not want to make worse. The best thing about working with an expert on this is that you can still get great results even when using a modified version of the exercises you are doing because your trainer will know alternatives that are just as effective. 

Lastly, your personal trainer will be able to  help you avoid injury because they will be able to spot you when lifting weights. This is so important when it comes to safety as you can get some truly nasty injuries doing bench presses that are over your current ability. This means for those just begging with weights and those looking to progress to a higher weight limit the company of a professional personal trainer can be vital. 

  1. Help Set And Meet Appropriate Goals 

Do you always understand what is best for your body when it comes to fitness, or can your ego sometimes get in the way? If so then you’re not alone as many of us like to believe we are much fitter and in better shape than we really are and it can come as a big shock when we begin a new exercise routine, and even lead to injuries! 

However, when working with a personal trainer it’s much easier to set realistic and appropriate goals. This is because not only do you have the benefit of an objective and qualified professional that can see things a little differently than you, but your trainer will also do an initial fitness assessment so they can get a true picture of your current abilities. 

In this way, by working with a personal trainer you can prevent setting goals that are too hard and that could cause injury or be demotivating.

  1. Teach clients about nutrition 

While exercising is a crucial aspect of wellness and well-being, what we put into our bodies is just as important as how we move them. Nutrition though can be confusing and triggering for so many of us, especially when we have grown up counting calories, and questioning every morsel we put into our mouths. Indeed, many people get so overwhelmed and frustrated with dieting that they just give up altogether. 

Happily, a personal trainer will have the expert knowledge to make understanding nutrition and how to properly fuel your body easy. Some personal trainers will even supply meal plans to their clients as a part of their service so all they need to do is shop for and prepare the dishes listed and they can be sure they are getting all the nutrition they need to achieve their fitness goals. 

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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