Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Announcing The Kismet Codes®️ Oracle Deck by Author, Mystic and Maven Ebonie Allard 

Unlock a New Path to Personal Empowerment with The Kismet Codes®️ and The Kismet Codes®️ Oracle Deck

The Kismet Codes®️ Oracle Deck offers a revolutionary approach to reclaiming one’s unique physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual power. Developed by Ebonie Allard, an award-winning International Master Coach, artist, and author; she is also a seasoned practitioner with expertise in Human Design. Which is a modality comprised of Astrology, the i-ching (Gene Keys), the chakra system, the Kabbalah tree of life, and Quantum mechanics, The Kismet Codes®️ offer a comprehensive synthesis of tools for self-discovery and transformation.

Ebonie is not just the creator of The Kismet Codes®️ Oracle Deck but a multifaceted creatrix with a unique life story.

Ebonie splits her time between Spain and Sussex to manage her nervous system. Having lived a life full of diversity and adventure since childhood, Ebonie’s experiences have shaped her approach to coaching and personal development. From selling homemade cards at the age of 14, to navigating various entrepreneurial ventures and embracing self-employment, Ebonie’s journey has been anything but ordinary. Her eclectic background includes living in different countries, ranging from a house truck and a commune to luxurious accommodations and her car.

Ebonie’s unique perspective as a member of the late diagnosis club [ADHD combined type F90.2 and Autistic Asperger’s F84.5] adds depth and authenticity to her work as a Coach, Mystic, and Artist. She has a profound understanding of the challenges and triumphs that come with being neurodiverse and utilises her experiences to help others drop projections and perceptions, empowering them to thrive authentically, embody their true selves, and express themselves fully.

Ebonie has combined elements of nervous system awareness, energetic alchemy, and somatics to develop a one-of-a-kind online portal that aims to bring users a transformative and highly implementable experience. The portal is designed to provide users with everything they need to relieve their minds, liberate their physical forms, magnetise their soul’s desires, and self-actualize.

In addition to the online portal, Ebonie is also introducing The Kismet Codes®️ Oracle Deck, a tangible tool designed to bring the information to life and activate all the senses. The deck features illustrations of the 64 Human Design Gates, 64 Hexagrams of the i-ching, and the 64 codons of DNA, connecting individuals with the universe on a cellular level through the intricacies of science and magic.

“I have been a student of Human Design and the Gene Keys for about five years, and last year, I decided to study to become certified in Human Design,” says Ebonie “The response from my certification cohort encouraged me to create a deck of cards that would visually represent the gates and keys in a way that resonated with others. The Kismet Codes®️ Oracle Deck is the culmination of that vision.”


The  are available for purchase at £58

To follow Ebonie’s work check out


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