Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Awakening the Heart of Humanity

Today’s show episode of The New 100 Longevity Campaign could not be more timely… 

As a devoted advocate for Mother Earth, over the past few years I have felt a strong shift happening on our planet. Perhaps you’ve felt it too?

Humanity has reached a pivotal point where many understand that if we keep doing things the same old way, we will likely keep drawing more extreme situations in our personal lives and on the planet. The choices we make now will determine our future.

The good news is the HeartMath Institute has scientifically proven that the heart contains a higher intelligence software package and has developed techniques to provide the intuitive guidance we need to find solutions and navigate today’s challenges. 

With more than three decades of research, resulting in over 300 independent peer-reviewed published studies, the mission of the HeartMath Institute is to help people bring their physical, mental and emotional systems into balanced alignment with their heart’s intuitive guidance for the well-being of themselves, others and Planet Earth.

We’ll be covering the HeartMath Institute’s incredible scientific breakthroughs on the human heart’s intelligence with Dr. Rollin McCraty – Executive Vice President and Director of Research at the HeartMath Institute since its creation back in 1991.

I’m especially excited about the HeartMath Institutes Global Coherence Initiative App which we’ll be talking about to raise the global consciousness and recognize “Love” as the new transformation intelligence.

We’ll also be sharing a heart brain coherence technique that has been scientifically proven to trigger self-healing in the body!

This is such an important episode and what I love is everything at The HeartMath Institute is science based, so no one can call this information “woo-woo”.

I invite you to watch this fascinating episode and learn techniques how you too can tap into your heart’s intelligence.


  • Linda Cooper

    Wellbeing Magazine is proud to welcome Linda Cooper as a Contributor to Wellbeing Magazine. Linda Cooper is an award- winning national lifestyle television host, producer and writer. We are excited to share the second season of her first digital video series “The New 100 Longevity Campaign”. This season, Linda shines the spotlight on mind-blowing healing modalities that enhance our lifespan, health span and overall wellbeing AND naturally remove inflammation from the body; the leading cause for most chronic diseases. Most importantly, everything featured this season on “The New 100 Longevity Campaign” is available right now to the public for immediate use.