Dos and Don’ts When Your Partner Is Struggling with Addiction

Are you living with someone in Kentucky who is addicted to drugs or alcohol? Do you find yourself wondering about how to help your partner overcome addiction? Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone!

According to alcohol stats 2023, more than 14 million people have an alcohol use disorder and excessive drinking and consumption of drugs leads to 95,000 deaths every year. If your partner is addicted to alcohol or drugs, it can take a toll on your relationship. Besides relationships, it can make you wonder about their overall health and your future.

However, the path to recovery isn’t only about your addicted partner; it’s a journey you embark on together. Your support to your partner during these challenging times is crucial.

Stick to this article as we’re diving in to explore some important dos and don’ts when your partner is facing addiction.


1.Educate Yourself

One of the best things you can do during these tough times is to educate yourself about his/her addiction. Learn about a specific substance your partner is addicted to and the signs and symptoms of addiction.

Once you equip yourself with the right knowledge, make sure to look out for the best treatment option to help your partner overcome the addiction. Educating yourself will help you approach the situation with empathy and not judgment. It enables you to separate the person from the addiction and appreciate the complexity of their struggle.

2.Offer Help

Instead of blaming your partner for the addiction, it is wise to offer them support so that they can overcome their addiction.

Consult an experienced addiction specialist or mental health therapist who will listen to your partner’s thoughts and feelings about why they’re so addicted to drugs or alcohol. Based on their listening, they’ll offer a structured treatment plan and expert guidance.

Moreover, if your partner is addicted to drugs, then taking him/her to drug rehab in Kentucky might be the best solution. Rehab programs for drugs usually have various services like helping people safely stop using, talking with them one-on-one or in groups, giving advice, and showing ways to avoid going back to drugs.

These programs give a plan and a safe place to help your partner quit addiction. It’s like a team to help them get better.

3.Encourage Communication

As mentioned earlier, during these tough times, your support for your partner matters a lot. A wonderful way to assist your partner is to have honest conversations about their addiction.

Create a warm and welcoming space where they can freely express their thoughts and emotions about it without worrying about being criticized.

This approach will help you get to know them better and provide the support they need. Encourage them to share what makes them addicted to drugs or alcohol and any thoughts about recovery.

While your partner is speaking, it is important to listen to them actively without any criticism or anger. Your partner is going through his/her bad times and they need to feel heard and understood.


1.Never Judge or Shame

Most of the time, an addicted person juggles between a wide range of feelings, such as guilt, shame, and self-loathing. When your partner is struggling with the overuse of substances, make sure to avoid passing any judgments or shaming comments.

If you criticize your partner, it can make their emotional pain worse and even make their addiction worse. Instead, try talking to your partner with kindness and understanding. Remember, addiction is like an illness, not something they did on purpose.

2.Don’t Blame Yourself

People become addicted for various reasons. It can be because of where they live, their genes, and most importantly, the decisions they make. It is important to note that if your partner is addicted, it’s totally not your fault. While it is common to feel frustrated, remember that you are not responsible for their choices or their addiction.

So, never blame yourself for the actions of your addicted partner. Doing so will take a toll on your emotional health and overall being. Instead, focus on becoming a positive influence and source of strength for your partner so that he/she can quickly overcome the addiction.

3.Don’t Enable

Enabling is one of the most common pitfalls for loved ones of individuals with addiction. It means you’re supporting your partner for alcohol and drug consumption. The signs of enabling are when you hide their mistakes, give them money to buy drugs or alcohol, or make excuses for their behavior.

Even though it might seem like you’re being helpful, enabling actually keeps the addiction going and stops your partner from realizing they need to change. It can also create a situation where both you and your partner depend too much on each other in an unhealthy way, making it hard to break free from the addiction together.

Summing Up

Handling a relationship when your partner is dealing with addiction is really tough. Being patient, understanding, and strong is of utmost importance during these tough times.

With the right approach, you can fix your relationship and help them restore their old habits and live a healthier and peaceful life.

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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