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Gum Inflammation Symptoms and Best Ways to Treat It! 

Toothaches and gum pains are the worst things to deal with and take all energy out of you. The intense pain can make you scream, and there is not much you can do about it. Some of us witness gum inflammation symptoms at the weirdest hours, such as 2 in the morning. When going to the dentist is not an option, we rely on Google. 

Nobody wants to be in a vulnerable position where they can do nothing but wither in pain. However, you don’t have to die in pain when simple home remedies can eliminate gum pain and inflammation. Here are some tips to get rid of gum inflammation instantly! 

Gum Inflammation Symptoms 

Before we dive right into gum inflammation treatments, you must know about it and its symptoms. The sharp pain in your tooth can often be due to gum inflammation. However, some people confuse it for tooth pain and go to the dentist when they can easily control it at home. Here are some gum inflammation symptoms: 

  • Sharp pain in the gum area that intensifies with time or when you eat. 
  • The affected gum area swells, and it reaches your check. 
  • You feel discomfort when sleeping on the side of gum swelling, 
  • The gum may start to bleed when you brush it. 
  • You are unable to brush properly as it hurts a lot. 
  • The persistent pain in the gum can also cause mild fever. 

Ways to Treat Gum Inflammation 

Some inflammatory foods can cause gum pain and bleeding causing extreme discomfort. Going to the dentist for gum pain seems like a hassle; hence, people look for at-home solutions to control it. We have a few remedies that will get rid of gum pain quickly. Let’s dive in: 

  1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene 

One of the main reasons why people get gum inflammation in the first place is bad oral hygiene. Taking care of your oral hygiene regardless of gum infection is crucial. However, if you feel your gum swell, it can be due to food stuck in your teeth or lack of brushing. 

Make sure to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes in the morning and before going to bed. Invest in a good tongue cleaner as it reduces mouth odor and bacteria buildup. Make it a point to floss your teeth before bed to remove stuck food. Lastly, rinse your mouth with a good antibacterial mouthwash to eliminate bacteria. 

1. Salt Water Gargles 

Gum inflammation is mostly due to bacterial buildup; hence, it is essential to clean your mouth well. Sometimes, more than basic oral hygiene, such as brushing teeth, is needed to eliminate bacteria. If you don’t have an expensive mouthwash, a saltwater rinse works just as well. 

Add two teaspoons of salt to warm water and mix it well. Take a big sip of the salt water and squish it around until it is cold. Spit the water and repeat this step a few times; it helps in reducing pain. Do salt water gargles twice a day to see faster results. 

2. Hot/Cold Compress 

You can try cold and hot compress when the pain is unbearable, and the swelling is a lot. It helps in reducing swelling and pain instantly. You can use a muslin cloth as a hot and cold compress. Heat water in a bowl, dip muslin cloth, remove excess water, and apply on the affected area. You can follow with an ice pack later; it provides instant pain relief. 

3. Oil Pulling 

Oil pulling is a wonderful technique that helps in reducing mouth odor, cleaning your teeth, and promoting gum health. It is a part of most people’s everyday routine and an additional step to normal oral hygiene. 

You need organic cold-compressed coconut oil and a pinch of turmeric for oil pulling. Heat two to three tablespoons of coconut oil and mix turmeric in it. Take a mouthful of coconut oil and squish it around in your mouth. Make sure to do it for at least 20 minutes every day after waking up to prevent gum inflammation. 

4. Apply Turmeric Paste 

If you need to know what is inflammation and what helps reduce it, you must trust turmeric properties blindly. Turmeric is an ancient spice people blindly trust to cure most health issues. It has the best anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, the prime reason why most skincare and toothpaste have it. 

If you want to get rid of gum pain and inflammation fast, apply turmeric paste. Take two teaspoons of turmeric, and add a few drops of hot water to make a smooth paste. Apply the paste on the gum for at least 20 minutes after brushing your teeth. 


Gum inflammation is quite nasty and can make you toss in pain in seconds. The ultimate solution to reducing gum inflammation is to pay attention to your oral hygiene. It is best to see a doctor if you are experiencing persistent pain and gum bleeding. If your gum is hurting too much, you can try over-the-counter medications. 


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