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How Tarot can be used in daily life

Tarot readings are a form of divination that uses a deck of special cards called Tarot which help you to gain insight into the past, present, or future. Each card in the tarot deck has its own imagery, symbolism, and meaning. During a tarot reading, a psychic will shuffle the cards while focusing on the question or situation at hand, and then lay out a specific number of cards in a pattern or spread. 

I personally work with 2 different spreads per reading and mixing up Tarot decks where necessary. From this I can interpret the cards’ meanings in relation to the question or issue being addressed, offering insights, guidance, or advice based on the symbolism and associations of the cards. 

Tarot readings can be used for various purposes, including gaining clarity on personal matters, exploring spiritual growth, understanding relationships, and making decisions. While some people believe that Tarot cards have inherent mystical powers, others view them as a tool for self-reflection, intuition, and psychological insight. 

For me it can be either. 

Tarot readings are popular among those interested in spirituality, metaphysics, and personal development; I have read for many different people over the years each looking for their own different guidance. 

The power of Tarot 

The power of tarot lies in its ability to offer guidance, insight, and reflection. Tarot cards are a tool for tapping into the subconscious mind and accessing the collective wisdom of symbols, archetypes, and universal energies. While it’s not a magical solution to life’s challenges, it can serve as a valuable tool for self-discovery, reflection, and personal growth. 

Each tarot card contains imagery and symbolism that can be interpreted in various ways. When I read for clients, I combine my intuition and the knowledge of the card meanings, to gain and understanding of the querent’s situation to provide guidance.

Tarot readings encourage introspection and self-reflection. They can help individuals gain new perspectives on their life circumstances, uncover hidden aspects of themselves, and identify patterns or obstacles that may be affecting their journey. They can also empower individuals to take control of their lives by providing clarity and insight into possible outcomes. Some of my clients use the Tarot to assist them in decision-making processes by highlighting potential opportunities, challenges, and consequences. 

A popular tool for spiritual growth and personal development – often the first divination tool those on a spiritual journey dive into. By delving into the deeper meanings behind the cards and exploring their connections to spiritual principles, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. 

Some believe that tarot cards tap into the collective unconscious or universal energy, allowing for messages and guidance to flow through the cards. This connection transcends time and space, offering insights that resonate on a deeper level. 

For me I separate the spirit world and tarot world, to a degree. I know when a spirit will make a link and when they do, I’ll engage in mediumship, when that link has been completed, I’ll go back to the cards. 

Tarot can also be used as a creative and therapeutic tool. Engaging with the imagery and symbolism of the cards can stimulate the imagination, inspire artistic expression, and facilitate healing process. 

Where Tarot and Astrology Collide 

From working with Tarot and Astrology for many years, I decided to create my own deck called Astro Tarot Deck, which combines elements of both astrology and tarot. 

This deck features key words and explanations along with symbolism from both systems, allowing users to explore the connections between astrological principles and tarot archetypes.

The Astro Tarot Deck offers a unique way to blend the wisdom of astrology with the symbolism of tarot, based on the rider wait traditional deck, providing users with insights, guidance, and a deeper understanding of cosmic energies at play in their lives.

Each card in the deck is associated with specific astrological signs, planets, or aspects. For example, the Major Arcana cards may correspond to zodiac signs, while the Minor Arcana cards may relate to planetary influences and signs.

What sets them apart from other decks, is the vibrant colours, and use of astrological insights, bringing more depth to each reading. The accompanying booklet is filled with information to assist new and old users alike.

If you would like to learn more about how to read the Tarot and how it can support you in daily life, why not check out my readings on Youtube @katemaymoderndaymystic or my online courses.

Written By Kate May, psychic, Tarot reader and author


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