How to create a mindful retreat at home

Attending a retreat can be a fantastic, life-affirming experience for some, however the cost surrounding travelling to such an event, coupled up with the associated accommodation, activities and meals can certainly add up. Though a retreat getaway may be an ideal gift or holiday experience, for most it’s simply not possible to attend several events throughout the year. In order to avoid missing out on the many benefits that a retreat can have on the body and mind, why not consider creating your very own at-home retreat?

Both affordable and easy to undertake, an at home retreat offers a welcome reprieve from the hustle and bustle of daily life, without the hassle or additional expense of a trip away. Here are some top tips for how to create a mindful retreat within your very own home.

Make a Schedule

If you were attending a planned event, you’d most likely be welcomed with a refreshing drink and a copy of the weekend itinerary. By creating a schedule, you’re more likely to stick to your plans, resulting in a much more successful break.

Meal Plan

By planning your meals, whether that’s through meal-prep or shopping for food in advance, you’re able to minimise the length of time spent cooking – and the amount of time washing up! This is also a great opportunity to treat yourself to a selection of healthy and hearty meals throughout the weekend.

Create a calming space

An important part of a wellness weekend, downtime needs to be taken seriously in order to feel completely rejuvenated come the end of the day. Consider creating a space that is specifically designed with relaxation in mind, whether that’s to nap, read a book or simply be at one with your thoughts.

Adding scented candles does more than just smell good – it creates an atmosphere, transforming your space into a cosy haven. Buying candles from places like not only adds to the ambience but supports local artisans who put their heart and soul into crafting each unique candle.

Make sure the space is away from all noise and distraction, and has a suitable level of comfort, such as a small chair. Easily variable lighting is also a key part of a calming space, as you may want to create a dim-lit area for meditating but a brighter space for reading. There are many roller blinds from Terrys Fabrics which make altering the light quick and easy, meaning you’re able to indulge in your calming moment more readily.

Disconnect from the World

Though it can be difficult to completely disconnect from the world, it’s important to avoid social media and emails where possible. By turning off your phone, laptop and TV, you’re much more likely to get the most out of your wellness experience without any distractions.

Engage in activities

Though the temptation to simply relax all weekend long can be great, it’s a good idea to split your time evenly between exercise, mindful activities and rest. Whether you’re a fan of walking, cycling or yoga – engaging in light exercise good for both the body and soul.

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