Pursuing a career centred around passion
When Unilever brand manager Victoria was on maternity leave, her husband asked her what she’d do if they won the lottery. “I’d become a writer”, she replied instantly. He asked what was stopping her, and she couldn’t answer…
The next day she did some research and signed up to a creative writing course. Fast forward six years, now aged 44, and Victoria has four published novels under her belt, a Sunday Times bestseller, and a film deal.
Moving from a fast-paced corporate environment to pursuing a career that centred around her passion for writing, Victoria followed her dreams and left her 9-5pm career in the shadows. Choosing to study Ways into Creative Writing and Developing your Creative Writing, at City Lit’s London campus, she enjoyed the flexibility of weekend courses and the vast range of topics on offer.
Completing her studies at City Lit was the first step towards Victoria meeting her goal of becoming a published writer, seeing her follow her heart and demonstrate that it really is never too late to carve out a new path in life.
“Studying at City Lit was the first stepping stone towards achieving my dream of being a bestselling author. I really enjoyed the critiquing sessions with my peers and was able to develop the skills I knew I already had and see my confidence blossom. My advice to budding writers is to read, read, read – the more you consume, the more you’ll learn and, if you’re passionate about something, you will succeed.”