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Review: Testing the New Nama J3 Cold Press Juicer

Having already tested the Nama J2 juicer a few months ago, I was keen to check out their latest model, the J3 Cold Press Juicer. As a regular user of the 5-star Nama J2 Cold Press Juicer, I had high expectations, and I’m delighted to report that the Nama J3 has exceeded them in many ways. Nama has once again demonstrated their commitment to innovation and quality with this new model.

Design and Build

The Nama J3 is designed to accommodate everyone’s unique needs, offering unparalleled convenience and versatility. Its compact size, standing at just 15 inches high and weighing 9 pounds, makes it perfect for smaller spaces and on-the-go juicing. This means you can easily maintain your juicing routine whether you’re at home, in the office, or even traveling the great outdoors with friends and family.

The design is sleek and modern, available in both black and white to match any kitchen decor. The build quality is robust, reflecting Nama’s dedication to producing durable appliances that withstand regular use. The smaller footprint of the J3 compared to the J2 is a significant advantage for those with limited counter space.

Features and Performance

Priced at $450 and available for delivery in the UK, the Nama J3 is more than just a juicer—it’s a companion for embracing the season’s bounty. It incorporates many of the innovative features that made the J2 popular, such as the ability to load a whole recipe and walk away. This hands-free operation is a game-changer for busy individuals who want to incorporate healthy juices into their daily routine without spending too much time in the kitchen.

The J3’s motor is powerful yet quiet, efficiently extracting juice from fruits and vegetables while preserving their nutrients. The cold press mechanism ensures minimal oxidation, resulting in fresh, vibrant juices that are packed with flavor and nutrients. The juicer handles leafy greens, hard vegetables, and soft fruits with equal ease, making it a versatile addition to any health enthusiast’s kitchen.

Convenience and Ease of Use

One of the standout features of the J3 is its ease of use. Setting it up is straightforward, and the intuitive design ensures that even first-time users can get started quickly. I’ve created a video demonstrating how to set up, use, and clean the J3, along with a simple green juice recipe to get you started.

Cleaning the J3 is a breeze, thanks to its design that minimizes crevices where pulp can get stuck. The parts are easy to disassemble and reassemble, and they can be quickly rinsed under running water. For deeper cleaning, the components are also dishwasher-safe.


The Nama J3 Cold Press Juicer is a fantastic addition to Nama’s lineup, offering enhanced convenience, versatility, and performance. Its compact size, innovative features, and ease of use make it a perfect choice for anyone looking to incorporate fresh, nutritious juices into their lifestyle. At $450, it’s an investment in your health and well-being, providing value far beyond its price tag.

If you loved the Nama J2, you’ll be thrilled with the J3. It’s an essential tool for enhancing your wellness journey, whether you’re a seasoned juicer or just starting out. Don’t forget to check out my latest video on how to set up, use, and clean the Nama J3, along with a simple green juice recipe to kickstart your juicing adventure.


  • Rachel (Scriven) Branson

    With a background in Publishing since 1996, rachel discovered a passion for health and nutrition whilst studying at the College of Naturopathic Medicine. In 2006, Rachel and her husband Richard launched ‘Wellbeing Magazine’ as a platform where everyone could access information about alternative health, complementary medicines and all the wonderful products and services to support people on their wellbeing journey.

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