The UK’s First Virtual Wellbeing Festival

Dr. Sarah Jarvis, Dr. Radha Modgil, Dr. Aaron Balick, mental health campaigner Natasha Devon, the Pilates PT Hollie Grant, are all among the health and wellbeing professionals who have come together for the UK’s first ‘virtual’ wellbeing festival, which has been launched in response to COVID-19, to help people better cope in these extraordinary times.
The Live Life Well Weekender will run from the 8th – 10th May 2020, and will bring together experts, health professionals and industry leaders from across the wellbeing industry, for over thirty events that will explore all areas of wellbeing to spark discussions and provide the practical tools that people desperately need to help protect their own, and their families’ wellbeing now, and as we come out of lockdown.
Informative talks will be hosted by BBC Radio 2’s Dr. Sarah Jarvis, Baroness Greenfield and Dr. Dawn Harper on ‘How COVID-19 Has Impacted our Health and Wellbeing’ and what we should be aware of moving forwards, as well as ‘How we can take control of our Own Wellbeing’ with Dr. Radha and James Sanderson from the National Academy for Social Prescribing.
Discussions on how to manage anxiety, low mood, depression and day-to-day worry and fear will see mental health campaigner Natasha Devon, founder of Chasing The Stigma Jake Mills, Psychotherapist and media consultant Dr. Aaron Balick, author of The Anxious Man Josh Roberts, and mental health advocate Rachel Kelly.
Visitors will be able to learn about food and nutrition in lockdown with Amy Lanza, Happy Kitchen author Rachel Kelly, Nutritionist Rosie Letts, and zero-waste chef Max La Manna who will be hosting a cook-along you can do at home, as well as how stress can affect your health with The Gut Stuff duo Alana and Lisa Mcfarlane.
Parents will benefit from a range of talks on ‘How to Raise Happy & Resilient Kids in Lockdown’ with early year’s experts iGROWco, as well as ‘How to Safeguard Our Children’s Wellbeing’ with child wellbeing professional Dr. Radha and award-winning coach Natalie Costa. To add a touch of reality author Carla Naumburg, author of ‘How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids’ will be discussing calm parenting techniques and self-care for parents, all supported and hosted by Suzanne Alderson, founder of charity Parenting Mental Health.
For those of us who need a little mental brain training to look at the positives in life, we welcome motivational speaker and the only woman to have sailed around the world and skied the whole distance to the South Pole; The Adventure Psychologist Paula Reid. We will also see Happiness Coach Stephanie Peltier, and positivity advocate and global influencer Molly Forbes who will be sharing their insights into turning negatives into positives and being happy in your skin.
With our careers and jobs in the balance, we speak to business coach and author of ‘Love it or Leave it’ Samantha Clarke, Business psychologist Fiona Phelps, the Money Whisperer Emma Maslin and psychotherapist and business speaker Petra Velzeboer.
With grief and loss facing so many of us on all levels from small losses of lifestyle, job and security, to the greater loss of loved ones, author of ‘The Language of Loss’ Sasha Bates and hypnotherapist Dipti Tait will come together to share their experiences and help you navigate the process.
We’ll take a look at our homes, that have now become multifunctional gyms, home-schools, offices and residences and see how this affects our wellbeing with professional de-clutterer Vicky Silverthorn, architect and mental health campaigner Ben Channon, who will also share how to revamp your space post lockdown.
For a little bit of light relief and turning to the funny side of adversity, we welcome award-winning performer, writer and mental health campaigner Juliette Burton, to share a Comedian’s take on mental health, as well as Annabel Knight, Jo Hemmings and Neil Wilkie to talk all things love and relationships in lockdown. We will celebrate friendship and connection with author of ‘The Friendship Cure’ Kate Leaver and Lucy Donoghue of Happiful, with guests Toral and Amy from ‘What the Health’, who will discuss the power of being alone and importance of connection.
Keeping your fitness in check during lockdown is a challenge so we welcome The Pilates PT Hollie Grant for a dynamic mat Pilates session, Bonnie Lister-Parson founder of Seen On Screen dance, F45 for a Hiit class that will put you through your paces, LA inspired Pilates group FLUID, and health and wellness influencer Katy Van Hemelryk as they share their expertise on maintaining your strength and fitness in lockdown.
As people across the UK struggle with the intensity of lockdown and the strain placed on relationships, we’ll talk about ‘How to Make Sure Your Relationships Survive’ whether you’re coupled up or single with psychotherapist Neil Wilkie, Sex and Relationship experts Annabelle Knight and Behavioural Psychologist and dating coach Jo Hemmings.
To calm it all down, we welcome The Breath Guy Richie Bostock for a live session, Kirsty Gallagher for a holistic approach to ‘The Magic of Moon Cycles’ as well as exploring better sleep with psychologist and sleep therapist Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan.
The Live Life Well Weekender has also teamed up with happiful magazine as the event’s official media partners, who share in our vision to provide informative, inspiring and topical stories about mental health and wellbeing. Our combined aim is to break the stigma of mental health in our society, and to shine a light on the positivity and support that should be available for everyone, no matter their situation.
Co-founder of the Live Life Weekender Alexandra Davison said of the festival; “We are thrilled to be able to welcome such a stellar line-up of health and wellbeing experts and bring together this wonderfully empowering and positive wellbeing community. We can’t wait to delivery some informative, educational as well as entertaining talks and workshops, as well as some comedy, laughter and fun to give us all a little light relief.”
“It is with thanks to the generosity and goodwill of our speakers and partners that we are able to host this virtual festival, and we thank them all for the involvement.”

The Live Life Well Weekender is a not-for-profit event and will be accessible to all with FREE tickets for all frontline and key workers, FREE access for students, as well as FREE tickets for those in need who are on low incomes or unemployed as a result of the pandemic.

A nominal fee of £10 per household for General Admission provides visitors with access to the whole three-days of content, of which all profits received will go charity to support the NHS CHARITIES NATIONAL COVID-19 APPEAL.
All contributors are doing this event for FREE, so if you can afford to pay, please do contribute to the hard-working team behind this virtual event.
Join us for this fantastic three-day ‘Live Life Well Weekender’ from the 8th – 10th May, where you will be inspired, lift your spirits, and feel more informed and supported by our incredible wellbeing community.
Register for your tickets today via the website

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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