What Are the Benefits of Therapy?

To say that the past couple of years has been tough on everyone would be a serious understatement. With the pandemic and economic uncertainty all around us, even the most challenging individuals have suffered from stress and anxiety. 

Even at its best, life is far from perfect for most of us. From small triggers that chip away our mental stability, one tiny bit at a time, to significant events such as a depressive episode, a severe illness, or the death of a loved one, all of us have our struggles. 

The good news is that no matter what struggle you are currently facing and what troubles you are going through, you do not have to do it alone. There are many different types of therapy and various kinds of therapists. 

Someone out there can help you. Once you find a mental health professional that suits your needs, you can reap the benefits of therapy. Read on to learn what those benefits are.

Why Mental Health Matters

Mental health is more than a mere buzzword. It incorporates three very essential components of your wellbeing. A mentally healthy individual has no emotional, social, or well-being issues. 

This means that mental health directly or indirectly influences how you think, feel and act. Consequently, it determines how you handle stress and how you interact with others in different types of relationships – from work colleagues to friends and even romantic partners.

As you see, taking care of your mental health can (and does) have a positive influence on your overall health, happiness, comfort, and security. That is enough of a reason to take good care of it.

Mental and physical health are closely related and influence each other. A mental illness like depression can, if untreated, lead to health issues including type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, and problems with the digestive tract. The same is true the other way around, too. For instance, diabetes can lead to anxiety and depression.

What Will You Gain From Therapy?

As stated above there are many different types of therapy. Depending on how many people are involved in a therapy session the range can vary from individual therapy (where it is just you and the therapist talking one on one) to family, couples therapy, and even group therapy. The type of therapy you should pick depends on your needs but there is one thing they all have in common. Therapy will provide you with a skill set that you will be able to take out of therapy sessions and into the real world to improve your life. These skills may include:

Improved communication skills one of the first things you will learn in therapy is how to effectively and honestly express your emotions and the way you feel.

Once you learn this skill, you can apply it to various aspects of your life. Therapy can help you with anger management or with dealing with the anxiety of talking to someone directly. It will also teach you how to resolve conflicts with other people which is a valuable skill to have in your day-to-day life.

Conflict resolution – building on what was just stated, therapy can help you learn how to deal with any kind of conflict. In therapy, you will learn how to express your thoughts, feelings, wants and needs directly and how to set healthy boundaries.

As you might have figured out by yourself, boundary setting is important both in your professional and personal life.

Furthermore, conflict resolution is a skill that can be further developed so the more you use it the better you will become at expressing what you want and knowing how to get it without causing any issues for yourself or anyone else involved. 

Help with mental health problems – almost every one of us will face a rough patch once or twice in their life. Some might handle it better than others, but the hardships of life often lead to anxiety and depression and many other mental health problems such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

What is important is that you know that there are people that can help you. Also, as you have read above, there is no shame in seeking help for your mental health problems. Just like you would go to see a dentist if you are experiencing a toothache, you should seek a skilled professional to help you with your mental health. So, find a therapist that suits your needs.

Increased productivity and happiness – this one admittedly takes a while. But, on the other hand, when you stop and think about it, the link between therapy and happier living with increased productivity should be apparent.

Once you start going to therapy – no matter if you are having your sessions in person or attending teletherapy – you will have a portion of your week dedicated to your mental wellbeing.

Not only will this improve your mental health but it will also make it easier to handle the challenges of everyday life, as stated above. With all those issues out of the way, equipped with the proper tools to deal with any new struggles that might come your way, you will see an increase in your overall quality of life. And for many, that translates to living a happier and more meaningful life.

What Not to Expect From Therapy

After reading this article, you might be under the impression that therapy is a universal all-powerful tool that can make your life better by itself. But that is not the case.

A good therapist will never judge you. They will never try – or be able to – give you simple answers to complex issues. Moreover, do not expect any answers from your therapist.

A skilled therapist will provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to identify the issues in your life and give you the skills you need to solve those problems. But you will have to do the rest yourself. That said, doing the “heavy lifting” is much easier when you have someone to guide you and support you.

About Author /

Rebecca is a writer, translator, keen traveller, and bookworm. Her work has given her the marvellous opportunity to visit dozens of countries around the world. As a freelance writer, she strives to showcase some of these experiences through her craft.

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