Whatley Manor: A Weekend of Bio Energy and Active Meditation, Shamanic Trance Dance and messages from the Universe.

Driving to the heart of the Cotswolds, I made my journey to Whatley Manor. Walking through its archway and into the courtyard, I felt an immediate wave of calm wash over me. It wasn’t just the beauty of the manor’s architecture or its 12 acres of meticulously designed gardens that captivated me. It was something more—a palpable energy, a serene aura that enveloped me as I entered. The sprawling grounds and labyrinthine hallways took a couple of days to navigate fully, but that only added to the sense of being wonderfully lost in time.

This was the start of a weekend that would leave me feeling deeply connected, not just to the people I was with but to myself in ways I hadn’t imagined. The retreat was led by the extraordinary Parvati Devis, whose presence brought warmth, laughter, and deep wisdom to an intimate group of six participants. Though she modestly calls herself a YogaShaking practitioner, Parvati embodies a healer, a guide, and a sage.

Before meeting the group for our first meal together, I retreated to my room—an oasis in itself with a bed so large I felt like royalty. A quick refresh later, I found myself at the Aquarias Spa, a place of relaxation with its thermal suite, hydrotherapy pool, heated stone recliners, and salt scrub showers. The spa was the perfect way to clear my mind and reset my body, preparing me for the experiences that lay ahead.

Shaking to Awaken with Bio Energy Meditation also known as YogaShaking 

Our retreat began early the next morning, at 7 a.m., with a practice that intrigued and surprised me—YogaShaking. To the uninitiated, the idea of shaking vigorously for an hour might seem odd, even unsettling. But this practice is deeply rooted in ancient wisdom. By shaking, we hydrate the fascia, the connective tissue in our bodies that links to the nervous system. Like animals that shake to release tension after a stressful event, humans can use shaking as a reset for the nervous system. The benefits extend beyond physical relaxation; shaking helps release trapped energy, reduce cortisol levels, and bring the body back into balance.

Parvati’s guidance blended ancient practices with modern understanding. The shaking and mantra chanting that followed were designed not just to release physical tension but also to connect us with a deeper part of ourselves. After the session, I felt lighter, grounded, and incredibly energised. Since returning home, I’ve made shaking a part of my daily routine, even if just for 15 minutes in the morning, and I feel the difference in my overall wellbeing.

The Power of Active Meditation

The retreat’s theme revolved around active meditation techniques—a refreshing departure from the still, silent practices that many associate with meditation. We learned methods that combined movement, sound, and intention, engaging both the mind and body. For someone like me, who has always struggled with sitting in silence, active meditation was a revelation. Through movement, I found my mind quieting, and a sense of peace emerging that I had never before experienced.

Parvati taught us to channel our life force energy through these practices, clearing blockages and restoring balance to our chakras. By the end of each session, I felt more centered, present, and alive. These active meditations—whether through shaking, sound baths, or chanting—helped reduce my stress and bring a sense of mental clarity that I carried with me after the weekend ended. During the retreat, we were introduced to Active Heart Meditation using Osho No Dimensions music—a deeply moving practice that resonated with many of us, and one that a few of us have continued to embrace long after the weekend ended.

Immersed in Healing Sound: A Journey with Eloise’s Sound Bath

Throughout the weekend, we were treated to the soothing and transformative experience of the gong played by Eloise, who also offers Yoga at the hotel. Using a combination of Tibetan bowls, a powerful primordial sounding conch shell, and the deep resonating vibrations of a gong, which took us into a state of deep relaxation on both days. Known for reducing stress, improving sleep, and promoting emotional healing, sound baths create a meditative state that allows the body to reset. It was a calming, rejuvenating practice that left me feeling centered and deeply refreshed. On one of the days the sound bath was the ideal accompaniment to Parvati’s hands-on healing session.

Shamanic Trance Dance: A Journey Beyond

One of the most profound experiences of the weekend was my introduction to Shamanic Trance Dance. Evolved from the ancient traditions of Shamanism, this blindfolded dance was unlike anything I had ever done. With rhythmic, compelling music, we moved spontaneously, guided by our intuition rather than thought. Fire breath exercises and focused intention transported us into a trance-like state where time seemed to dissolve, and we were free to explore our inner landscapes.

The dance felt like a sacred journey, an opportunity to break free from the limitations of ordinary life and tap into something extraordinary. In that space, I felt both liberated and deeply connected to something larger than myself. It was exhilarating, healing, and undeniably transformative.

Messages from the Universe: The Beetle’s Wisdom

One thing I’ve learned on retreats is to remain open to the unexpected signs and symbols that often appear. For me, this came in the form of a tiny beetle. As I sat at lunch, I felt a small tickle on my shoulder. A beetle had landed there and, after I gently brushed it away, it found its way back to me twice. It seemed so determined to stay near, and I felt an odd connection to this little creature.

Later, I looked up the shamanic meaning of beetles and discovered that they symbolise resilience, persistence, and transformation—qualities I had been reflecting on in my own life. The beetle’s message was clear: no matter the challenges, I had the strength to move forward, to transform and grow. It was a small yet profound moment that felt like a direct answer from the universe.

Fire Ceremony: Letting Go

As dusk settled on my second evening, we gathered for a fire ceremony, a powerful practice for releasing the old and making space for the new. The flickering flames symbolised renewal, and as I stood before the fire, I knew exactly what I needed to let go of—my old stories, limiting beliefs, and self-doubt. In their place, I invited new possibilities, growth, and acceptance. The ceremony was a cathartic, cleansing experience, marking a key moment in my journey.

A Weekend of Connection and Gratitude

Throughout the weekend, the connections I made with the other participants grew deeper. Each of us brought our own stories, challenges, and energies, and by the end, we felt like a family. We laughed, cried, and shared experiences that will stay with me forever. There’s something about the intensity and openness of a retreat that fosters these soul-deep connections. I feel immense gratitude not just for the retreat itself, but for the people I met, each of whom contributed to the magic of the experience.

Whatley Manor: A Sanctuary for the Soul

Whatley Manor, with its storied history and peaceful gardens, provided the perfect backdrop for this journey of healing and transformation. Its energy is palpable, a blend of past and present, where every corner seems to hold a story. From its Michelin-starred dining to the luxurious spa, Whatley Manor is more than just a hotel—it’s a sanctuary for the soul.

As I reflect on the weekend, I am filled with gratitude for the experience, for Parvati’s wisdom, for the beautiful souls I met, and for the profound healing that took place. Although the retreat has ended, the lessons and connections remain, continuing to ripple through my life in the most unexpected and wonderful ways.

Whatley Manor will forever hold a special place in my heart, and I know this retreat was just the beginning of a journey that will unfold in ways I can’t yet predict.

Discover whatleymanor.com

Whatley Manor officially opened its doors on July 1st, 2003, but its history dates back to the 18th century when it served as a farmhouse on the Twatley Farm estate. Since 2000, the Landolt family has lovingly cared for the property, overseeing a complete restoration and redesign of its gardens, returning them to their original ‘Arts & Crafts’ style. In addition to its beautifully restored grounds, a luxurious spa was introduced, along with the Stable Suite, which now serves as a venue for private events.

Discover: Parvati Devi yogashaking.com

Corporate Shaman, Spiritual Teacher of Happiness and YogaShaking Facilitator.
LinkedIn: Parvati Devi
Instagram: @parvati_devis

Discover: The Good Of The Hive Project

Matt Willey is hand painting 50,000 honey bees—the number in a healthy hive—in murals and installations around the world, including Whatley. Follow Matt Willey: @thegoodofthehive

Bio-Energy Wellness Retreat with Parvati Devi 2025

Arrival 21st March – 23rd March 2025. Welcome dinner on the first night with two full days of practices starting 22nd March, closing circle in the afternoon of 23rd March.

We are delighted to welcome Parvati Devis back to Whatley in March 2025 following her successful retreat last year. Parvati will deliver a wellness retreat focused on Bio-Energy Meditation to activate your life force energy through YogaShaking. Stay two-nights with two full days of powerful practices to re-align you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually for total wellness.


About Author /

In 2006 I embarked on an incredible journey by founding Wellbeing Magazine. This magazine is not just a publication—it's a purpose-driven platform. It's been my mission to empower individuals with knowledge about holistic wellness, encouraging them to make mindful choices for themselves and the world around them.

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