Facial Rejuvenation – more than just a facial!


Our faces reveal the natural processes of ageing – as well as revealing the state of our health, both physically and on deeper levels.

Facial rejuvenation acupuncture works by correcting signs of ageing in the skin through local treatment as well as treating specific underlying causes of manifestation of the ageing process particular to each individual. Through this holistic approach it restores, promotes and maintains natural beauty, vitality and harmony – not only in the face, also throughout all levels of one’s being.

Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is gaining popularity in the West due to an increased understanding that beautiful skin must be addressed both internally and externally. Facial acupuncture acts like an ‘Acupuncture Facelift’ and being virtually painless with no major side-effects it is a safe and natural alternative to Botox or surgery. More people are now choosing facial acupuncture to restore health and improve wellbeing in addition to making them look younger.

Historically, facial rejuvenation was used by the Emperor’s concubines in China to keep themselves youthful and radiant! For thousands of years, the Chinese have known that beauty comes from within. The Chinese discovered channels of energy (Qi) flowing within the body and found ways to liberate and unblock this energy so it could treat disease and improve wellbeing. This ancient wisdom works both from within and without – promoting skin rejuvenation by increasing circulation of blood and lymph.

The treatment involves the expert application of specialised hair-thin needles which are inserted in particular energy points and muscles on the face, neck, ears and body. The specific points used are identified by the practitioner for each individual in order to help unblock energy channels (meridians) and liberate trapped energy which can result in disease and premature ageing processes. Stimulation of facial muscles helps improve muscle tone, dermal contraction and elasticity with increased collagen production. These processes help eliminate fine lines in the face and diminish larger wrinkles. They also reduce bags under the eyes through improving the metabolism and extraction of excess fluids to eliminate puffiness. By enhancing facial circulation of blood and lymph, there is enhanced removal of toxic waste products and provision of a balance of nutrition improving skin radiance, moisture and colour.

Facial acupuncture has been used to excellent effect for helping individuals with skin problems such as dry skin, large pores, acne, and puffiness as well as sagging jaw lines, double chin, deep naso-labial folds and drooping eyelids. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Acupuncture showed that of 300 participants who had received a full course of facial acupuncture 90% reported marked skin improvements.

As a consequence of its holistic approach, which addresses deeper layers of one’s being, the benefits of facial rejuvenation acupuncture aren’t fleeting – indeed they can last for several years. These benefits extend from improved complexions and skin which looks healthier and younger, to general health improvements such as feeling better in one’s energy, sleep and mood.

[quote]Says Anna de Moor: “In my personal practice I have reported that clients have stopped suffering from pre-existing health conditions such as hayfever, head- aches, painful periods and mood-swings, and I generally find that people have improved energy, appetite and relief from aches and pains. Individuals often describe improved self-image and a feeling of increased balance in their body, mind and spirit as well as feeling enabled to implement lifestyle improvements. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture achieves inner and outer health through bringing your natural beauty to the surface.”[/quote]

To book your Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture appointment or a free 20 minute consultation, please call Anna on 07799 207671, or at the Equilibrium Health Centre on 01273 470955

For more information please visit Anna’s website: annademoor.co.uk

Fantastic introductory offer for all Wellbeing readers – first session half price until 30th April 2014

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