Herbal remedies for stress
When we think of summer we usually think holidays, enjoying outdoor activities and generally relaxing in the sunshine. But for many people the added stress from picking up the slack while work colleagues are away, extra work to catch up on after a holiday, or complex childcare arrangements for the long break, takes its toll. For others, a break from their normal routine or long journeys can be an added strain. Stress is any factor that causes an added strain on the body – even a pleasant factor!
Everyone has a different reaction to stress, and often it involves an increase in inflammation. For some it affects their digestion, others find skin conditions flare up, and other common signs of being stressed out include feeling tired or weak, insomnia or anxiety, high blood pressure, lower immunity or PMS.
To help your body cope a little better, a multi-pronged approach is needed. Eating healthily should be the first step, with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Anti-inflammatory herbs that are used in cooking include, ginger, turmeric, and garlic. Foods that are inflammatory and should be avoided or reduced, include, animal protein, junk food, and refined sugars and grains.
Herbal remedies can also help the body deal with the effects of stress. A group of herbs known as adaptogens have the specific effect of helping the body deal with stress. They are tonic herbs, which are generally good for debilitated people, with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on the body.
At Brighton Apothecary, the qualified herbalists are on hand to advise which of the adaptogens are best for you: calming ashwaganda; liver-protecting schisandra; energising Siberian ginseng; or immune-boosting astragalus. Other herbs may help alongside an adaptogen, for example, oats to help with the nervous system or liquorice to support the adrenals.
Sarah, Maud and Marion offer free mini herbal consultations for minor health problems and can tailor make herbal remedies to help you stay healthy over a busy summer.
Brighton Apothecary
The Open Market
Marshalls Row
brightonapothecary @gmail.com
07447 886777