Life Is a Journey of Relationships
Lessons in life often come through our relationships with others.
Relationships span three main categories: 1) Ones that hold us back; 2) ones that marinate us or provide support; and 3) ones that catapult us forward. Each is neither good nor bad per se, but it’s important to be aware of which category we’re in with people we spend time with. It’s also imperative to determine which category we want to be in with others.
Essentially, relationships with others and the external world are designed by us for our own growth and understanding of who we really are. That’s the real journey and the only reason we’re here, despite what the collective groupthink may have us believe.
Most people’s sense of self is based on their personality, material possessions, or professional career. That’s what I thought before I was catapulted into discovering the meaning of life. I was married, had an incredible home, and was climbing the corporate ladder. But at the same time, there were cracks in the foundation of my marriage that I conveniently ignored. If I’d been honest with myself, it might have meant making different choices early on. At that time, I thought life with discord, hard work, struggle, and bouts of emotional suffering was the norm. But my soul wasn’t going to let me get away with turning a blind eye and ignoring the cues for much longer.
An unexpected kiss at 30,000 feet cracked open my mind and provided clarity about my marriage. It became the catalyst for my soul-quickening and awakening journey. Twenty-plus years later, I know a reality that’s very different and is filled with ease and grace — but only after I’ve done a deep dive into numerous life events, healing, and awakening modalities. Through it all, I’ve been able to harvest many pearls of wisdom that have enabled me to experience heaven on earth. This wisdom is available to everyone, and I want to help others experience its bliss.
We’re all given catalyzing opportunities at different points through life — events such as accidents, heartbreak, the death of a loved one, loss of a job, illness, or some other jolting event. When these throw us off guard it can feel devastating. But some of my hardest lessons allowed me to dig deeper into my innate desire to know the meaning of life. This tenacity provided a beacon along my path, encouraging me to keep going even in the darkest times.
With deeper work into self-discovery, I came to understand what my life events were meant to teach me. Here are some lessons that I hope others may be able to learn from:
1. All relationships are designed for your awakening. Whether it’s a family member, friend, colleague, or lover, it’s important to recognize that everyone is here to support your growth, despite how it may feel in the moment. Shifting to this perspective can help you stay grounded and save you from over-reacting emotionally when situations arise. Learning the lessons others bring allows you to know more about yourself so you can transcend limiting beliefs and patterns no longer serving your highest good.
2. You are constantly being guided. Angels, spirits, and people on your path bring you messages to help you transcend the storylines created by the mind. When you ignore your intuition and inner wisdom about people, places, and things, you often veer off from your life path and purpose. Building a spiritual toolbox to help you receive this guidance brings an easier way of loving and living.
3. You’re only purpose is to know who you really are. The only way to do this is to unravel the mind and the storylines that you hold onto so tightly. Losing the constructs of your mind can be the most blissful experience. All the illusions of self drop away, allowing you to transcend the suffering of the mind.
Relationships provide experiences to help us learn more about ourselves, heal our wounds, and break open our hearts so more light can shine through. Once we realize this, life becomes fascinating as we watch these characters and interactions that have been designed by our higher self. We call them in for the expansion of our consciousness and the evolution of our souls.
Written By Beth Bell
Beth Bell spent 16 years promoting 12 brands in the pharmaceutical industry both nationally and internationally. She later became an international entrepreneur, developing product lines for both eCommerce and a retail store in Bali. She produces and is host of the podcast Psychedelic Sages. Her new book, Angels, Herpes & Psychedelics, shares her journey of spiritual awakening and provides a spiritual toolbox others can learn from. Learn more at