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Chiropractic tips to help avoid sports injuries

Research shows that a third of men would sideline love in favour of sport – football! A survey in Men’s Health magazine showed that nearly a third of men would rather be playing sport than getting frisky in bed!

The most dangerous sport in Britain is: football! Research shows that bad challenges and tackles cause a third of sports injuries. Football is often seen as a relatively low-risk sport, though in reality Sunday league games are just the opposite. Over half of the men involved in the survey had been injured on the pitch, and most were suffering with ongoing niggles due to an old injury.

Lushington Chiropractic recommends Touch Rugby in Eastbourne instead. It’s a mixed sport so you can share some fun, competitiveness, and fitness with your loved one. Chiropractors are always big on injury prevention, so here are two tips to avoid getting injured in the first place:

Don’t be a Weekend Warrior
Weekend warriors are typified by working all week then hitting the pitch or playing extreme sports at the weekend. They like to play hard and live hard. However we would recommend adding some exercise into your weekly routine too. Don’t save up all that energy for the weekend – your body likes predictable routine, not a crazy burst and then long periods of rest. By all means work-hard and play-hard, though set up a sustainable routine that allows your body to recover for 36 hours after a heavy exercise session and doesn’t result in more than three rest days in a row.

Even Warriors need to Warm Up
Warm up properly before you play and include a range of general cardiovascular exercises in your training regime to build up slowly. If the only exercise you get is playing in a match then you will push yourself too fast too quickly, increasing the risk of injury.

We also recommend using the R.I.C.E. formula to deal with minor injuries:
Rest and support the injured joint
Ice packs (wrap ice in a cloth, apply for 10 minutes maximum, then leave off for 20 minutes before re-applying – stop if it is painful)
Compression, and
Elevation of the injured joint

Dr James Revell of Lushington Chiropractic is an old rugby prop and recommends Touch Rugby to keep you fit and healthy. Touch Rugby is a mixed sport so no one needs to be left at home on their own. So, this New Year bring your partner to play Touch Rugby any Sunday at Gildredge Park, Eastbourne. Check it out on Facebook or at Eastbourne Touch Rugby

Lushington Chiropractic – 01323 722499


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