Backed by science, The Imperfect Nutritionist celebrates food first
I’m delighted to announce The Imperfect Nutritionist by Jennifer Medhurst, which is set to publish February 2023.
Backed by science, The Imperfect Nutritionist celebrates food first, rather than looking at it as points on a plate. Instead of adopting a one-size-fits-all approach and telling the reader what they can and cannot eat, it acknowledges the complexities and uniqueness of the body and offers a diet that you can tailor to your own individual needs. Jennifer outlines seven general principles that can underpin a healthy diet, before offering a 2- week plan and 70 delicious, nutritious recipes created to deliver as much joy as they do nourishment.
Jennifer Medhurst AKA “the imperfect nutritionist” is a registered nutritionist, mBANT, rCNHC with a private clinic based in London. Jennifer’s career in nutrition started almost accidentally while looking for solutions to health issues that had developed while completing her Law degree. After visiting a nutritionist, she was shocked at how quickly her symptoms eased. Many hours in the kitchen and some failed experiments later a new passion was discovered. She retrained as a nutritionist and set up a successful health food catering business and a food blog to share her recipes.
The Imperfect Nutritionist by Jennifer Medhurst will be published by Kyle Books in February 2023 at £25.00 in Hardback.
Backed by science, The Imperfect Nutritionist celebrates food first – Natural Health 24-7
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