Dealing with a head injury; 4 crucial steps

Head injuries are quite traumatic. These can cause major or minor trauma to the brain that can have various negative consequences such as a concussion, or worse, scalp wounds or fractures. These can be caused due to a car accident, any blunt force trauma to the brain, something heavy falling on your head, or even an open head wound. As mentioned in, such circumstances can make you feel anxious.

Therefore, you should seek professional help from a personal injury lawyer, as they can help you get the rightful compensation. You must also consult a doctor as soon as possible for faster recovery. Millions of people deal with head injuries every year but you need to know the difference between a major and a minor head injury. This could potentially save your life. A major one can cause bleeding in the brain tissue and consequentially, a hemorrhage.

Check their breathing

If someone you know has hit their head, the first thing to do is to check their breathing. Are their breaths shallow and rapid or calm and normal? Are they breathing fine and have enough air going into their system? If there is no proper circulation, you should administer CPR right away. This lifesaving technique can be given by untrained people in case of emergencies till the paramedics arrive. All you have to do is give uninterrupted chest compressions of 100 to 120 in a minute till someone takes over for you. If you are more well-trained, you can perform rescue breaths as well.

Check and immobilize

If the person who has gotten hurt is unconscious, you should make sure to check their heart rate after checking their breathing. They might just have a spinal injury. It is important for you to stabilize them till they can get an MRI or at least till medical professionals arrive. Be sure to keep their head and their spine in line and prevent any sudden movement since it might aggravate their condition more. You should place both your hands on either side of their face to steady their head.

Stop bleeding

If there is any bleeding from the injury, you should ensure that the bleeding stops. In case there is an open wound, use some sterile gauze or cloth to apply pressure to the wound so that it stops bleeding. You should also elevate the area and keep changing the cloth if blood soaks through it. You should also make sure to remove any debris from the wound so that it does not infect it later. You should also keep it as clean as possible.

In case of vomiting

If you find that the affected person is not vomiting, immediately roll them over to the side in order to prevent choking. Be sure to roll their neck, body and head as one unit so that this does not move the spine as much. You should always assume that the spine might be damaged during a head injury to prevent these issues later. It is always better to be safe than to be sorry. You should also check for signs of a concussion and make sure that they do not go to sleep before they get some medical help.

It is important to know what to do if someone gets badly injured like this. Use this article to help you understand how to deal with head trauma.

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