Freddy Silva interview on healing with crop circle energy cards.

Join Linda Cooper for a very unique episode on The New 100 Longevity Campaign.

I’m so excited to take a deep dive into a subject matter that has been widely ignored and shrouded in skepticism by mainstream media.  

I’m talking about Crop Circles and how through their geomagnetic energy humans can use this phenomena as a healing modality.

Yes, I know this topic is out there… but before you dismiss this concept you must hear what my guest today has to say….

Freddy Silva is a leading researcher of ancient civilizations, restricted history and sacred sites.  He’s also a bestselling author and his book on the science and mysticism of Crop Circles called “Secrets in the Fields” is today’s primary focus.  As the leading expert on crop circles he’s developed a very unique healing modality through his “crop circle resonance cards”.
What you may not be aware of is that crop circles have already been scientifically proven to be manifestations of energy under “intelligent guidance”.  Over 80 eyewitnesses describe crop circles to be “made by tubes of light in less than fifteen seconds”. 

Crop circles alter the local electromagnetic field; affecting the proper function of compasses, cameras, and cellular phones; the frequencies are also known to affect aircraft equipment.

Resonance and sound frequency are the key healing component as 260-320 hertz is the sound frequency of crop circles and coincidentally it’s what is missing in the human body filling in the gap to enhance our frequency tenfold.  

Coincidence?  I think not…

You would think with all the scientific evidence on crop circles, this would be reported on by mainstream media as a breakthrough discovery, but it’s been widely ignored so the average person is completely unaware.  Until now….

I invite you to watch this mind-blowing episode as Freddy Silva uncovers the true meaning behind crop circles.

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