Herbs for Hay fever

Hay fever can range from mildly irritating symptoms of sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy and watery eyes to much more severe symptoms that can make the summer months a misery. Hay fever is a seasonal allergy to tree pollen, grass pollen or mould spores. It is related to asthma and eczema and involves an abnormal response of the immune system. Dietary intolerances and disruption to the normal bacterial population of the digestive system have been implicated in the development of atopic allergies.

Traditional remedies for hay fever are herbs that have an anti-catarrhal action and include plants such as elderflower, eyebright, goldenrod and ribwort plantain. Anti-allergic herbs are also used and common examples are German chamomile, nettle, and ribwort plantain. Sometimes herbs are used to help support liver function with a hepatic herbal remedy such as milk thistle or with a bitter remedy such as dandelion root. It may also be a good idea to use a probiotic supplement and maintain a diet high in soluble fibre to help promote a healthy bacterial population in the digestive system.

Herbalists may also employ a variety of herbs with the aim of normalising immune function, improving digestion and supporting the detoxification processes. Where stress plays a role in worsening the symptoms, herbs would be included to help with relaxation.

It is generally recommended to use herbs for two or three months prior to the onset of symptoms. For some, a simple blend of dried herbs to be consumed as a tea can be enough but where symptoms are more severe or harder to manage then it may be beneficial to see a qualified Medical Herbalist.

At Brighton Apothecary the herbalists are able to advise you further and help to select the most appropriate remedies for you. You can drop in at any time and have a free 10 minute consultation for minor health complaints and have your remedy tailor made.

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Unit 6, The Open Market
Marshalls Row

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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