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How Long Does Kratom Last In Your Body?

Are you curious about how long does kratom last in your body? This herb is well-known as a good remedy for a reduction in pain, and it also increases mood, but its duration is equally important to know. The period of kratom stays in your system is another variable factor determined by the amount, the frequency of the intake, and metabolic differences. This article provides you with information about kratom, from choosing how safe the product should be used, like powders, capsules, and tea, to whether kratom will show up in a drug test. In this article, we will explain in detail about kratom how long does kratom last, highlighting the key characteristics that will assist you in your process of decision-making on the use of the herb.

How Long Does Kratom Stay in Your System?

One of the most important things to understand is how long kratom remains in the system of attentive kratom users who may be pursued to develop a dependency or are required to go for a drug test and also for healthcare professionals.

The half-life of mitragynine, the main alkaloid in kratom, is about 24 hours, meaning that it takes about a day for the body to reduce its concentration by half. According to this, it takes around 5 to 6 days after the last intake for kratom to leave our bodies. However, the period of time taken to experience the effects is not standardized but varies from one individual to another depending on the metabolic rate type of drug used, among other factors that influence the absorption of the drug into the body and rate of elimination.

While standard drug tests typically do not screen for kratom, specialized tests can detect its presence. Given its complex nature and the factors influencing its metabolism, those who may undergo drug testing or wish to avoid the long-term presence of kratom in their system should consider a buffer period of at least a week to ensure its clearance.

In essence, the duration of kratoms in the body is influenced by multiple variables, and its detectability can extend to several days post-consumption. As research into kratom and its effects continues to grow, further insights into its pharmacokinetics will help users and medical professionals make more informed decisions regarding its safe and responsible use. So, if you want to begin your wellness journey with kratom, you can choose Happy Go Leafy kratom, as it provides the most premium quality kratom products.

How To Use Kratom?

Kratom is available in different forms, these forms come with their own method of preparation and recommendations on how to use them. Here’s a closer look at some of the most common forms:

Kratom Powder

Fresh leaves of kratom are harvested and dyed under the sun to get dried, and after that, the ground becomes kratom powder. It can be used multiple times in different ways. The most simple strategy is the “toss and wash,” making the powder dose and swallow by adding water. The other option is kratom powder, which can be combined into your regular diet by adding it to your food or beverage (i.e., smoothies, yogurt, applesauce) to bury its terrible taste. The beginning of the symptoms always starts with approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour of initiation.

Kratom Capsules

Kratom capsules are a practical and flavorless method to ingest kratom. The capsulated form of kratom powder precludes the requirement for manual measuring and reduces the chances of mess. Capsules can have a slightly longer onset than powder, because the capsule’s material needs time to dissolve in the stomach.

Kratom Shots

Kratom shots are liquid extracts that provide a concentrated dose of kratom’s active ingredients. They are designed for quick and easy consumption, often flavored to improve taste. Due to their concentrated nature, kratom shots can offer more potent effects, making it essential to start with a lower dose to gauge tolerance.

Kratom Tea

Kratom tea is made by simmering dried kratom leaves or powder in hot water and usually for an extended period in order to attain kratom’s active compounds. This method gives the consumer a more pleasant experience, as the addition of sweeteners or flavors can help to cover up the bitterness of kratom. Unlike smoking or ingesting it as a pill, drinking kratom as a tea results in a gradual absorption of alkaloids that sets in the system over time, avoiding the sudden shift in effects.

Kratom Gummies

Taking kratom in the form of gummies is a relatively newer way to do that, where kratom is mixed with gummy candy ingredients to make it easier to ingest and create a delicious flavor. Just like pills, gummies are composed of a pre-measured dose of kratom extract, thus providing a good way of measuring dosage. Side effects from kratom gummies are different in regards to concentration and individual ability of the metabolism.

Does Kratom Show up on a Drug Test?  

Generally, the common kratom drug tests that are conducted involve the SAMHSA-5 and cannot be used to determine the presence of kratom. The tests are specifically formulated to pick up the presence of such compounds as cannabis, cocaine, opiate-based drugs, stimulates, and PCP. Kratom features its own alkaloids, and among all of them, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine stand out as the most prominent, for which the traditional test kits are unsuited.

On the other hand, though the detectable metabolite of kratom is absent, there have been specialized drug tests that are used to detect the alkaloids in it. These tests, like LC-MS/MS-tandem MS, can determine the quantity of mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine present in a person’s body. Such tests involve chemicals that are more complex and are often costlier than standard drug screenings, meaning that they are different when drug testing is performed. They can be used in situations where the responsible use of kratom is suspected and needs to be ascertained for legal or medical reasons.

The likelihood of kratom showing up on a drug test depends on the type of test being used. For the majority of workplace or standard drug screenings, kratom use will not be detected. However, for individuals subjected to more comprehensive testing that includes specific screenings for kratom, there is a significant possibility of detection.

Which Factors Affecting the How Long Kratom Stays in the Body?

Kratom, a product derived from the mitragyna speciosa tree leaf, possesses mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine active alkaloids, which are among the substances contributing effects to it. The levels of metabolism of each alkaloids of a unique type to the system can vary widely between individuals, based on the key factors.

Half-life of Kratom

The half-life of a substance is an important indicator that defines how long it stay in the body. For kratom, the major part of its alkaloid, mitragynine, has a reported half-life of about 24 hours. It implies that, on average, the full prescription medicine typically lasts for at least a day. Hence, in this case, kratom (the drug) will be eliminated from the body after about 5- 6 days. This often differs drastically between individuals, and some of the other factors discussed below also have an impact.

Metabolism Rate

One’s metabolism rate might help to determine to what degree the substances are processed and taken out of the body or not. Factors like age, genetics, liver function, and overall health can modify the metabolic rate. Kratom metabolites are degraded and usually excreted from the body within a quicker time frame by people with a higher body metabolism than those who metabolize kratom at a much slower rate.


The quantity that people consume kratom will dictate how long it stays in the body. Larger amounts of kratom include an increased number of alkaloids contributed to its system; after they are ingested, they may take a while to be metabolized and removed from the body. Kratom users may develop tolerance and build up kratom in their bodies over time, making it harder to notice when they’re no longer under its influence.


The dehydration influence can also be a contributing cause to the elimination of kratom. Well-hydrated individuals may also be a prefactor for the efficient excretion of kratom alkaloids through urine. Proper water consumption for the dilution of urine could be a highly effective way for detox mechanisms and removal of substances from the body. Though hydration does not play a central role, it is one of the key elements in assisting the body to pursue its detoxifying nature.

How Long Does Kratom Stay in Your Blood?

The half-life of mitragynine is about 24 hours, meaning the amount of this substance in the blood declines by half in 24 hours. According to that one parameter, it can be assumed that the bloodstream of a person who took kratom is likely to be positive for kratom up to 5-6 days after the last use.

Several individual factors influence the precise duration that kratom stays in the blood. Metabolism plays a significant role; individuals with a faster metabolic rate will process and eliminate kratom more quickly than those with a slower metabolism. Age is another critical factor, as metabolic rates tend to decrease with aging, potentially extending the presence of kratom in the system.

Additionally, the frequency and dosage of kratom use affect how long it remains in the bloodstream. Regular or heavy users are likely to have detectable levels of kratom for a more extended period due to the cumulative effect of the alkaloids. Conversely, those who use kratom sparingly may find it clears from their blood relatively faster.

How Long Does Kratom Stay in Your Urine?

The duration of time for urine detection is a critical aspect to be observed in urine drug detection. If an individual was using mitragynine a few days ago, it will most likely come positive in future urine tests since mitragynine is the main alkaloid of the kratom and has a half-life of approximately 24 hours. As has been noted, kratom can remain in urine for up to 7 days, as several factors related to the disposal of this substance from the body are involved.

Key factors affecting the detection window of kratom in urine include:

Metabolic Rate: The metabolic rate of those people with a high rate can be cleared quickly in opposition to those with a low metabolic rate.

Frequency and Dosage of Use: The more often and the higher dose of kratom intake is, the more is the possibility that the user may have long detection periods in urine, where the substances like kratom alkaloids are stored in the body.

Hydration and Body Composition: Water content can dilute urine, lowering the level of substances that can be detected. Lastly, body composition, especially body fat percentage, may affect fat-soluble compounds storage as well as the slow fat-releasing mechanism.

Provided with such variables and afterthoughts, it might be possible for the individual to have a lasting effect of the kratom being present in the urine system for up to 7 days; however, the time frame could be extremely different from one person to another. Individuals who have periodic or lesser use of kratom might record faster clearance of kratom from their system. Different from first-time consumers, those consuming in larger doses might be detected for a longer time.

Does Kratom Get You High?

Kratom can produce psychoactive effects that some users describe as a “high.” At lower doses, kratom tends to bring forth stimulation effects, boosting mood and energy levels, but some of them may equate this to mild euphoria or work as a stimulant. While lower doses may provide stimulating effects and increase alertness, higher doses of the drug can be sedative and cause muscle relaxation that could thus be taken as a type of intoxication.

A high dose of kratom based on its emotions is different among individual persons because of different body compositions, dosages, and diverse strains of kratom. While some people say that they have been in a euphoric condition or that they have become really sociable and energetic, others may have gotten sedated or relaxed. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Kratom Should I Take?

The best dosage of kratom depends. Beginners start with 1-2 grams; 3-5 grams is needed for an average experience as the personal tolerance, body weight, and the effect you want to shape the dosage.

Is Kratom Legal?

Kratom legality is different from state to state. Federal law of the USA allows it. However, its usage might be limited depending on the state. The best advice is to seek local law information.

Does Kratom Help With Anxiety?

Some users claim that moderate to high doses of kratom reduce anxiety, resulting from its relaxing properties. It has, nevertheless, also different side effects and is not prescribed for the treatment of anxiety.

Can I Use Kratom Every Day?

Daily use of kratom is possible but not recommended. It can cause tolerance and dependence. It’s advisable to use kratom sparingly and rest and prevent habit formation.

Is Kratom Safe to Use?

kratom is considered safe when taken in low to moderate doses with little adverse effects; however, higher doses can produce adverse effects as well as possible dependence with repeated use.


Kratom, a herbal supplement known for pain relief and mood enhancement, varies in duration within the body based on dosage, usage frequency, and individual metabolic rates. The substance’s main alkaloid, mitragynine, has a 24-hour half-life, generally requiring 5-6 days to leave the system completely. Available in forms like powder, capsules, shots, tea, and gummies, kratom’s effects and detection can be influenced by several factors, including metabolism, hydration, and body composition. While standard drug tests typically don’t detect kratom, specialized tests can. This knowledge is crucial for those considering kratom use, especially regarding its safe and responsible consumption, potential dependency, and implications for drug testing.


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