Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Meet Paige Lindgren: Empowering Women Through Holistic Health

Meet Paige Lindgren, a passionate hormone specialist and holistic nutritionist dedicated to empowering women through education and holistic wellbeing. Inspired by her personal health challenges and the subsequent discovery of hormonal imbalances as the root cause, Paige has made it her mission to bridge the knowledge gap about the female body. In this interview, we delve into her journey, her business focused on holistic nutrition and hormone health, and her commitment to helping women achieve optimal health through natural and sustainable practices.

Can you share a pivotal moment or experience that inspired you to start your journey ? 

A pivotal moment for me was when I was grappling with my own health challenges and was not able to get a diagnosis. Through exhaustive research and comprehensive testing, I identified hormonal imbalances as the root cause of my issues and once I started working on my hormone health, everything seemingly fell into place. My personal journey illuminated the widespread lack of education surrounding the intricacies of the female body, which inspired me to get educated and ultimately become a hormone specialist and holistic nutritionist. My mission became clear: to empower women with knowledge about their bodies and promote holistic well-being. 

Can you tell us a little bit about your business? 

My business focuses on holistic nutrition and hormone health. I create content across social media platforms to educate and inspire my followers on the importance of holistic health practices and living in alignment with their cycles. My videos and newsletters are designed to help women understand their bodies better, balance their hormones, learn simple and nutrient dense recipes, and achieve optimal health through natural and sustainable methods. 

How do you prioritise your own wellbeing while running a business?

I incorporate little daily rituals throughout my day like morning walks while listening to affirmations, cooking at least two meals a day at home, and post-dinner walks. These little moments are crucial for me! Setting boundaries is also super essential as someone who works in social media; I allocate specific times for work and personal life, ensuring I have time to recharge. 

What role has your personal wellness played in overcoming obstacles and maintaining resilience? 

As a professional in the wellness space, I believe in practicing what I preach. Eating foods that fuel my body and mind, staying active, getting in nature, and surrounding myself with loved ones has helped me stay resilient. These habits not only boost my physical health but also enhance my mental clarity and emotional stability, allowing me to tackle challenges that arise in my workspace with sustained energy! 

How has your own health and wellbeing philosophy influenced the business? 

My health and wellbeing philosophy is rooted in the belief that our bodies have an incredible capacity to heal when given the knowledge of what is going on, and right support. This philosophy is reflected in the content I share. My recipes emphasize whole, unprocessed foods, and I love to share about stress management and how to take care of the nervous system. Everything I post about is designed to empower women to take control of their health in a holistic, sustainable way. 

Can you share a specific self-care practice that has had a significant impact on your overall wellbeing. 

A self-care practice that has significantly impacted my wellbeing is journaling. Taking time each day to write about my thoughts, goals, and gratitude helps me process emotions and stay in a gratitude mindset. This practice has enhanced my emotional resilience and creativity, which directly influences my work. By regularly reflecting on my experiences, I can make more informed decisions and maintain a clear vision for my business goals. 

How do you stay updated on the latest trends? 

Staying updated involves continuous learning. I attend workshops, webinars, and take yearly continued education courses related to nutrition and hormone health. I also follow industry-leading experts and read the latest research and publications. Engaging with my online community and listening to their needs and experiences also helps me stay aligned with current trends and practices! 

Have there been moments where you had to make choices that challenged your personal values for the sake of business growth?

Yes, there have been moments where tough choices were necessary. For instance, opportunities to partner with brands that didn’t fully align with my values were tempting for business growth. In those situations, I stayed true to my core principles and chose authenticity over short-term gains. Navigating these challenges involved a lot of reflection and sometimes difficult conversations, but ultimately, maintaining integrity has been crucial for building the trust of my community!

Do you have a plan for the future of your business? 

Absolutely! I am currently focused on building out my weekly newsletter, which aims to provide valuable insights and tips on hormone balance, cycle alignment, and overall wellness, including recipes and educational chats. Additionally, I hope to one day start a podcast where I can have in-depth conversations with experts in the space and dive deeper into women’s health topics. Another long-term goal is to write a cookbook featuring recipes that support each phase of the menstrual cycle, helping to educate women about the changes their bodies undergo weekly. My journey has shown me the importance of accessible and engaging content, and these projects will hopefully continue to empower others to take control of their health and wellbeing. 

What legacy do you hope to leave through your business? 

I hope to leave a legacy of empowerment and education. I want to inspire women to embrace their bodies with confidence and knowledge. My goal is to create a community where women feel supported and understood, and to provide resources that make a real difference in their lives. Ultimately, I want my work to contribute to a greater awareness of holistic health and the incredible potential of our bodies to heal and thrive!

Follow Paige’s insights and tips on her website Paige Lindgren and on Instagram @paige.lindgren.


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