Unlocking Your Energetic Awareness: Rediscovering Your True Potential Beyond Thoughts and Feelings
Do You Feel Weird?
Do you ever feel like you’re just another cog in the machine of reality? Do you ever feel like you are numbing a part of who you are just to fit in? Yeah, that’s not just you.
From a young age, we build opinions and take on fixed points of view from the world. During childhood, our possibilities were truly endless, but then we were exposed to the “real world” education and the rat race. Our imagination, creativity, and awareness were tainted and molded by this programming.
The dream of being an astronaut was quickly replaced by the “more realistic” professions of dentist, builder, or office worker. The idea of living on a tropical island was assessed and unraveled by “more logical” ideas like city life or somewhere with good healthcare.
We were pushed to understand and align with our families and communities, all while feeling pressured to adopt beliefs to define ourselves. The constant pressure to adapt to this reality keeps us from becoming who we truly are.
These and other experiences have us functioning in our daily lives from our thoughts and feelings, rather than the energetic awareness from which we would operate as children. This energetic awareness still lives in all of us but has been suppressed and replaced by logical thoughts and feelings.
Energetic awareness does not involve thinking.
For example, when you walk into a room of familiar people and can feel some sort of tension, only to later learn that there is. Or when you get an urge to call a loved one and they say they were just thinking about you.
This is our energetic awareness. Let me ask you, how often is your energetic awareness incorrect? Not too often, huh? Then why have we allowed our thoughts to override it so much
We’ve been taught to cast aside our first language, energy, always giving priority and power to thoughts. By cutting off our energetic awareness, we have reduced our infinite potential to a mere collection of points of view and beliefs.
We are taught that the priority and route to success is by training our minds to produce correct answers through logical thoughts and feelings. We’ve been programmed to block out awareness and stick to what we’ve ‘learned’ rather than what we know. We’ve come to believe that thoughts and feelings are awareness.
By dampening our energetic awareness, we have closed the door to a world of possibilities that was once accessible as children. To access this world again, we must be willing to live in the question, drop barriers and fixed points of view, and fully embrace our primary language of energetic awareness.
Awakening and becoming conscious offers you the opportunity to know yourself beyond the constraints of your thoughts and feelings, freeing you from the need to seek validation for your concern through alignment with others’ perspectives. You learn to extend care to yourself and others in ways that transcend conventional notions of what caring entails.
We start to see people as energetic beings rather than feeding their believed ‘established’ realities about themselves back to them, which we often believe are our judgments of them too.
We become aware that we have been recycling the same information over and over, and that there is a vastness to us as consciousness that lies beyond.
Our thoughts and feelings, when they are not coming from decisions we have made from our past, are often just reactions to the energies around us, yet through our denial of awareness of energy, we mistake them as our own.
Awareness of energy helps us access more of ourselves. When we start to listen to it, we receive information that opens up endless choices and possibilities. The dead ends or lack of choice created in our minds fall away. We are able to perceive situations with clarity and change them with ease.
We often settle with a problem, accepting it as the sole perspective, which energetically solidifies its presence and often exacerbates it. However, by approaching a problem with a question, we unlock an awareness of choices that would otherwise not have been accessible.
This is broken down here:
- Questions create more awareness.
- More awareness creates more choices.
- More choices create more possibilities and awareness.
This way of functioning creates a snowball effect of more awareness,, choices, more questions and possibilities. You can see the power of being in the question as it can rapidly change your life. However, we must approach the question from being in allowance, or we’ll shut ourselves off from awareness in the answers.
By continually asking, “What else can I be aware of?” we avoid the limitations of our own and others’ fixed points of view that restrict our perception to a narrow reality.
Recognizing fixed points of view helps us avoid adopting them as real. We are able to see each person’s perspective and how it affects their life. By understanding that all perspectives are just interesting viewpoints, we can navigate them without judgment or influence, and adjust our awareness, rather than taking anything personally.
When someone dishonors us, it reveals how they treat themselves, and in return, others. It is never personal.
When we fight with someone, we are essentially fighting ourselves, grappling with their judgments or fixed points of view. We often try to win over others, to align and agree with us. It feels empowering, but this is a false sense of power and control.
The real power lies in identifying everyone’s perceived ‘imperfections’ and being in allowance of them rather than trying to fight or fix them. By doing so, we can find peace, form more enjoyable relationships, and see people for who they truly are. You can become kinder than ever before with such ease.
To achieve this, self-allowance is the foundation of it all. If we have identified an area of our life we are not happy with, being in allowance of it is the first step to changing it.
By judging ourselves for our self-perceived imperfections, or making ourselves wrong for them, we lock them in, declare them as fixed, and shut off any awareness on whether or how to change them.
Being in allowance of our ‘problems’ allows us to be in the question of them, which will allow the awareness to come to us to change them, or not.
If you are judging yourself for something, you will judge others for it too. If there is something you judge a person for, you will judge yourself for it too.
Total allowance removes judgment and invites the ultimate kindness to yourself and others.
With heightened awareness of energy, you will gain the ability to shape your reality beyond conventional limits. Energy will become the medium through which you thrive, profoundly impacting the quality of your life.
By recognizing the power of choice in every moment, you will redirect your life onto new paths. This awareness leads you to include everyone and judge nothing. Embracing your power, you will understand that you are not merely just another cog in the machine of reality, but a creator of your own reality.
We are energy. Everything is energy. There is no true separation between us, anything, or anyone; it’s only our conditioned minds that suggest otherwise.
There is a world without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible. Should you choose to revisit it, it is up to you.
Written by: Moira Bramley
Discover more with Moira here
Moira Bramley is a wealth coach, savvy investor and certified facilitator for Access Consciousness. She has several product companies, is a shareholder in Castello di Casalborgone in Italy, an investor in El Lugar in Costa Rica and has an extensive investment portfolio.
Moira combines kindness, compassion and generosity of spirit with pushing the boundaries of possibility, for herself and for her clients.
She grew up in poverty with an alcoholic father. Despite having difficulty with school, she made the choice to have a very different life and began her first business buying and selling second hand furniture at 19, after moving to London with her husband-to-be.
She trained to be an interior designer then a psychotherapist, until she realised that accessing consciousness was way more effective and enjoyable than fixing problems.
Together with her ex-husband they built highly successful businesses and had two sons, living in Scotland, England and Australia. Since turning 50 Moira has lived independently in Spain and Italy. She speaks English, Italian, and energy.
She lives with intense curiosity and is always asking for more. One of her greatest joys is being a catalyst for changing people’s realities.