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£s and lbs top the failed goals list for Brits – cited as those they find hardest to achieve

As we head into January, a time typically known for resolutions and fresh starts, a new study* has revealed the goals set by Britons which they then find hardest to achieve.

Weight loss tops the table at 32% closely followed by earning more money (30%) and saving money / investing more wisely (27%). Improving fitness (26%) and ‘looking after me’ (19%) complete the top five failed goals list.

The battle of the genders reveals slight skews. Women remain consistent with weight loss at number one, (39%) whereas 27% of men cite ‘Making more money’ as the hardest goal to achieve, just ahead of losing weight at 25%. Conversely 15% of respondents said there were no goals they set that they then found difficult to achieve!

Commissioned by The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, the same survey revealed that more than three quarters of UK adults have set weight loss as a personal goal in the past and failed with 40 % per cent failing as many as five times or more. The study went on to identify the core triggers which lead people to fall off the weight-loss wagon.

From food temptations to not seeing results quick enough, the top 10 reasons dieters were most likely to fail to stick to their goal to lose weight were:

  1. Being tempted by foods they love
  2. Seeking comfort in food
  3. Not seeing results quick enough
  4. Cold winter and dark nights
  5. A tiring day
  6. A dislike for going to the gym
  7. Others not being on the same weight loss journey
  8. The diet was too difficult to follow
  9. Alcohol
  10. It was too expensive

As a nation, the survey indicated that Brits often set themselves up for failure, establishing unachievable goals from the start. More than 10 per cent expected to see visible results from their efforts in as little as 1-3 days, and 40 per cent said in order to be motivated to carry on, they’d have to see significant weight loss within a week.

Despite it being a traditional time for dieting, almost a quarter of UK residents are actually put off by making a fresh start in January as they felt there was too much pressure attached to the month.

Mark Gilbert, Nutritionist at The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, said: “Many people will set the goal to lose weight in 2020 and the vast majority will fail. Falling off the diet wagon should not lead to the desire to lose weight being dropped as an ambition. Our research shows that January is often the most difficult month for dieting success and, without the right support, failure is inevitable for many. They may have unrealistic expectations, haven’t prepared effectively or, most commonly, chosen the wrong diet for their lifestyle or their personal metabolism – whatever the challenge it is important that Britons don’t give up so easily on their desire to lose weight and be fitter this year.”

Laila Rouass, star of Footballers’ Wives, who lost 1 stone 1lbs on The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, added: “I’m an incredibly health conscious person and care about what I put into my body. I love going to the gym and have never really had a problem with my weight, but after having my daughter and with age, I found it harder to maintain my size and started to feel less confident in my own skin.

“I needed something to kickstart my weight loss journey and that’s when I discovered The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan. The one-to-one support provided by my amazing consultant made all the difference and the plan was so simple it fit into my busy lifestyle easily. Whilst I only wanted to lose a few pounds, achieving that has given me the confidence to start the business I always dreamt of, and I no longer want to shy away from the limelight.”

To find out more about The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, please visit:


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