Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Override negative beliefs

Are you who you believe you are?
Ask yourself a few questions – are you good at your job, are you attractive, are you a good parent, and so forth. What are the answers?

Maybe those answers raise more questions, or come with provisos such as ‘I am told I am good at my job but…’, ‘my eyes are attractive but my legs are ugly’. We hold many beliefs about ourselves. The more attention we give these beliefs our brain develops more pathways for those beliefs (neuroplasticity) which as a result become even ‘stronger’.

Neuroplasticity is the ‘muscle building’ part of the brain; the things we do often we become stronger at, and what we don’t use fades away. That is the physical basis of why thinking a thought or action over and over again increases its power. Over time, it becomes automatic; a part of us. We literally become what we think and do.

There are many ways our beliefs are formed, for example through trauma, teaching, repetition, unconscious modelling (what we learnt from observing our parents when we were little or copying our peers at work) and we carry these beliefs in our minds (conscious and subconscious).

On a day to day basis our minds function approximately ten percent in the conscious (thinking and creativity) and ninety percent in the subconscious, which has a massive database storage including our beliefs. We can be holding beliefs all the time and not be aware of what they are. For example, you may have a job that you are told you are good at although you find it boring. You might hold a belief that you are not good enough to aim higher which therefore prevents you moving forward to a more rewarding position. Although it might have been suggested that you apply for promotion you wonder what is holding you back.

How can you over-ride your negative beliefs with more positive ones? What if you can change these beliefs using the neuroplasticity of the brain?

Ann Rambaut is now offering EFT – a gentle technique using acupuncture points of the body (without needles) to bring about change. EFT assists with many things including negative beliefs and stress. If you wish more information please contact Ann Rambaut, Chartered Physiotherapist, without obligation.
07436 810181 or 01323 411732


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