Products for pain free skiing

Going skiing this half term? Make sure you pack a few essentials for that pain free holiday. There are bound to be aches and pains and the odd bump and bruise so check out our recommended products to keep you pain free this holiday.

1. Plant-powered pain relief

Phynova Joint and Muscle Relief Tablets™ have been licensed by the UK regulatory agency, the MHRA, as an OTC product under the The Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products (THMP) Directive. You can use these for the relief of backache, minor sports injuries, rheumatic or muscular pains, general aches and pains in the muscles and joints.

2. Relax tired muscles

Magnesium is an important nutrient that works to support relief from muscle tension and muscle spasms, reduction in tiredness and fatigue from exercise and sports performance. We use Magnesium Oil from BetterYou as it works really well for leg cramps bought on by wearing ski boots.

3. Healing bruises

Arnica is our number one choice for healing bruises. We use the creams for applying directly to the bruise but also the homeopathic pills for healing any deeper underlying bruising. We recommend Arnicare® Cream, a traditional herbal medicinal product for use in bruising exclusively based upon long-standing use as a traditional remedy.

4. When you need a little rescue remedy

We also always carry rescue remedy, although we hope we won’t need it! More for those bigger falls that perhaps a little more frightening!

Chewing a Rescue® Pastille is a delicious way to keep stress at bay and is great for the kids. Soothing, calming and relaxing, each Pastille contains one dose of Rescue Remedy®.

5. Daily vitamins for vegetarians & vegans

As a vegetarian family we use the BetterYou Vegan Health Spray as it contains a combination of nutrients scientifically formulated to support vegan health. It includes vegan D3, vitamin B12, iron and iodine. The formulation provides fast, effective absorption of nutrients typically underrepresented in vegan and vegetarian diets.

About Author /

In 2006 I embarked on an incredible journey by founding Wellbeing Magazine. This magazine is not just a publication—it's a purpose-driven platform. It's been my mission to empower individuals with knowledge about holistic wellness, encouraging them to make mindful choices for themselves and the world around them.

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