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Review: Fresh Living’s Original Sea Moss Gel

Fresh Living’s Original Sea Moss Gel is a versatile and health-boosting product that seamlessly integrates into a variety of recipes, making it an ideal addition to any wellness routine. I recently had the opportunity to taste test this product, and it has exceeded my expectations in several ways.

Pleasant Texture

One of the standout features of Fresh Living’s sea moss gel is its texture. It has a smooth, pleasant consistency that blends effortlessly into liquids and foods. Whether added to a morning smoothie or stirred into a bowl of soup, the gel dissolves well without leaving any clumps or gritty residues. This makes it not only easy to use but also an enjoyable addition to various recipes.

Mild Flavor

The flavor of Fresh Living’s Original Sea Moss Gel is incredibly mild, which is a huge plus. Often, superfoods can have strong, overpowering tastes that make them difficult to incorporate into everyday meals. However, this sea moss gel has a neutral taste that doesn’t interfere with the flavors of other ingredients. This makes it perfect for adding to smoothies, juices, soups, stews, and even baked goods. The mild flavor ensures that you can reap the nutritional benefits of sea moss without compromising on the taste of your favorite recipes.

Ease of Use

Fresh Living has made it extremely easy to add their sea moss gel to your daily routine. The gel comes ready to use, so there’s no need for soaking, boiling, or blending. Simply scoop out the desired amount and mix it into your food or drink. The convenience of having a ready-to-use product means that you’re more likely to incorporate it into your diet regularly, thus maximizing the health benefits.

Nutritional Benefits

Sea moss is renowned for its rich nutrient profile, and Fresh Living’s gel is no exception. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc, it offers a comprehensive boost to your overall health. Regular consumption can support immune function, thyroid health, digestive health, skin health, and even aid in weight management and workout recovery. Knowing that you’re adding a powerhouse of nutrients to your meals makes using this gel even more satisfying.


The versatility of Fresh Living’s sea moss gel cannot be overstated. Here are some of the ways I’ve incorporated it into my meals:

Smoothies: Blending a tablespoon of sea moss gel into my morning smoothie has become a daily habit. It adds a subtle thickness and a nutrient boost without altering the taste.
Soups and Stews: I’ve also stirred the gel into soups and stews as a thickening agent. Its neutral flavor ensures that it blends well with both savory and sweet dishes.
Baked Goods: Using the gel in baking was a pleasant surprise. It added moisture to my muffins without changing their flavor, making it a great substitute for eggs or fat in recipes.
Raw Desserts: From chia pudding to raw energy balls, the sea moss gel has found a place in my raw dessert recipes, enhancing their nutritional value.

Overall, Fresh Living’s Original Sea Moss Gel is an excellent product that combines health benefits with ease of use and versatility. Its pleasant texture and mild flavor make it a perfect addition to a wide range of recipes, ensuring that you can enjoy the benefits of sea moss without any hassle. Whether you’re looking to boost your nutrient intake or simply add a new superfood to your diet, this sea moss gel is a fantastic choice.

For those interested in enhancing their health regimen, I highly recommend trying Fresh Living’s Original Sea Moss Gel. It’s a small addition to your daily routine that can have a significant positive impact on your overall well-being.”


  • Rachel (Scriven) Branson

    With a background in Publishing since 1996, rachel discovered a passion for health and nutrition whilst studying at the College of Naturopathic Medicine. In 2006, Rachel and her husband Richard launched ‘Wellbeing Magazine’ as a platform where everyone could access information about alternative health, complementary medicines and all the wonderful products and services to support people on their wellbeing journey.

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