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sitting on a chair posture

Saddle chair solution

Sitting on a saddle chair provides a solution to a killing paradigm

Sanna Hakala, M.Sc., physiotherapist

It has been both scientifically proven and experimentally shown that conventional sitting leads to health problems and in the end, is fatal. However, there are situations where we need to sit, and people tend to sit an average 10-13 hours per day.

Conventional sitting contains numerous health related problems. The most familiar is the musculoskeletal disorder (MSD), which can occur for example as low back pain, shoulder pain, or headache. Leaning into a back rest of an office chair passivates core muscles, and stresses lower back. Too flexed, typically 90 degree angle in hip and knee joints forces the posture to slouch and makes joints feel stiff after sitting.

Unbalanced posture stresses all the tissues in our body, as muscles, bones and ligaments are working all the time outside their comfort zone. Think about the famous Pisa tower: when some of the foundations collapse, the whole building from that floor up is out of balance, and our body acts the same. The basis of our sitting posture is the position of our pelvis, so on that account maintaining the good position of the pelvis is crucial.

Other sitting-related disorders, more or less harmful

Other problems in conventional sitting are less familiar but more fatal than MSDs. Flexed hip joints compress the groin area, in which are the big circulation channels for blood and lymph. That disturbs blood circulation, especially in the veins that take the blood back up from the distal parts of the lower limbs. Disturbed flow in the lymph channels causes swelling. Together these two increase the risk of embolism that is the reason for many fatal conditions.

Stable position of joints decreases the metabolism of cartilage, and fastens the process of degeneration. This can be experienced while standing up from a chair, when the joints feel stiff before warming up.

The slouched position of the upper body also disturbs the digestive system because it inhibits peristaltics by compressing the intestine. Slouching disturbs also breathing, as the flexed thoracic spine blocks the costal ribcage, and prevents lungs from enlarging while inhaling. Reduced oxygen intake causes tiredness, a phenomenon that can be experienced every time we spend time in a poorly ventilated space.

In addition, conventional sitting holds in a problem that is considered more or less as a taboo. Constant pressure to the pelvic area disturbs blood circulation and compresses nerves, causing numbness that may result in problems in the intimate life of both men and women, because of the decreased sensation in the genital area. Because of the pressure it causes, conventional sitting has been proven to be a risk of prostate problems, such as cancer. Also incontinence can be considered as a sitting-related disorder.

Good posture on a saddle chair provides health and energy

Rethinking the way of sitting has an enormous effect on wellbeing, quality of life, and also the life expectancy. Thinking outside the box provides a solution that solves the problems of sitting. Sitting higher to open the circulation channels, loading the joints to promote joint health, positioning the pelvis in a way that the spinal curves are neutral, and having no pressure on the pelvic floor, are all enabled by a saddle chair with a divided seat.

Sitting feet on the side rather than in front of the body allows the pelvis to be set up correctly. It is essential that the saddle chair has a gap in the middle, so that the seat is divided, otherwise the correct position of the pelvis is too uncomfortable to get and maintain. The gap is there to prevent pressure on the most sensitive part in our body.

As the pelvis is slightly rotated forward on a saddle chair, the spine automatically has its neutral curves, discs are evenly loaded which prevents prolapses, and the big muscles don´t need to work to maintain the balance. When the big muscles are not working, the core muscles have space to activate. All in all, as the whole back is not stressed everyday by an unhealthy load, it is safe to use the body in every way without the risk of damages in spinal area.

Choose energy and wellbeing instead of health risks

Higher sitting position opens the hip and knee joints to 135 degrees, which is proven to be optimal for the joint health and also enables the correct setting of pelvis. Within the higher sitting level, also the desk is required to be height adjustable to prevent leaning forward or sitting too low. On top of that, height adjustable desk provides possibility to switch between sitting and standing, which is recommended despite of sitting in a healthy way.

In addition, when sitting on a saddle chair, the important sponge-effect helps the joints to maintain metabolism in a good level. The joints are not stiff even after long periods of sitting on a saddle chair. The wide angle of hip joints also allows circulation to flow freely. The lower limbs are not swollen at the end of the day, and the risk of a fatal embolism has decreased.

Good position of the upper body allows the digestive system to work properly, and breathing becomes easier as the costal ribcage doesn´t block the lungs and they have space to enlarge. Well working digestion and free breathing means a more energetic feeling without headaches or constipation.

Feel more energetic, work without pain, and enjoy life to its fullest. The paradigm of sitting ergonomics has been solved.


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