Spanish Persimon for you lunch box

Persimon® is the registered trademark used to identify the Rojo Brillante variety of persimmon (with two m’s), grown in the Ribera del Xúquer region and characterised for its firm flesh and lack of astringency (the sharp taste of unripe fruit).

What does Persimon taste like?

Its sweet, delicious flesh is packed with several health promoting nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants vital for optimum health, making it the ideal fruit for your lunchbox. My daughter loves this fruit as she can eat it like an apple or we can cut it up to make pretty star shapes and is now her favourite choice!

There are lots of great recipe idea for sweet and savoury meals and snacks so check them out HERE

About Author /

In 2006 I embarked on an incredible journey by founding Wellbeing Magazine. This magazine is not just a publication—it's a purpose-driven platform. It's been my mission to empower individuals with knowledge about holistic wellness, encouraging them to make mindful choices for themselves and the world around them.

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