Would you like to spend more time with horses?

Have you ever dreamt of having your own horse? Or would you like to spend more time with horses but can’t find a way of doing this other than your hourly riding lesson? Intuitive Horse are offering limited spaces for 3 people to join them and their other ‘adopters’. Adopt a horse means you adopt one of their horses for a morning or afternoon a week and build a relationship with a horse, from the ground, on a regular basis whilst learning about horse behaviour and communication and receiving regular lessons. This gives you an opportunity to go on a journey with not only a horse, but yourself at the same time!

What can I do on my adopt a horse day?
At an agreed time you come down to see your horse. As the horses live out in the field 24/7 you have an opportunity to spend time with your horse in the field, together with the rest of the herd. This is a great way to observe and learn about horse behaviour as well as spend time bonding with your adopted horse. Surrounded by nature, it is a lovely way to spend time apart from the fast pace that life can demand from us.

You will have a session each week with Emma Ross, and a detailed discussion will take place before you start your adoption and before each session as to how you wish to progress.

The type of sessions you might have are an Intuitive Horse 1-1 session, focusing on your personal development, learning horse communication – natural horsemanship type work which incorporates personal development or being involved in your horse’s training programme, which includes therapies for horses. You can rotate between the different types of session (please note; riding is not offered as the approach is all about developing a relationship with the horse from the ground).

After your time with the horse you may like to stay on and get involved in farm life. You are very welcome to do this and to get involved in activities such as hay making in the summer and feeding horses extra feed in the winter months!

By adopting one of their horses you commit to an ongoing partnership between you and the horse through all the seasons of the year. You will be asked to pay the adoption fee at the beginning of each month, ideally by standing order. If for some reason you can’t make a week we roll that day over to another week so you don’t lose a day, and payment remains the same. Your payment helps towards looking after your horse!

There are two types of adoption on offer:

Option 1
Hour and a half session every week with Emma and your adopted horse
Hour and a half with the herd
Total time per week: 3 hours

This share is suited to people with some horse experience, or who have done some Intuitive Horse work before.
Cost £180 (equates to £45 a week)

Option 2
Three hour session every week, which is often broken down into two different sessions which includes time with the herd. Once more competent, herd time can be increased.
Total time per week: 3 hours

This share is available to anyone, in particular it would suit people with no horse experience as Emma stays with you the whole time. Progression to move to an Option 1 share is possible once a person has become competent around horses. This is discussed individually with Emma.

Cost £225 (equates to £56.25 a week)

If you’d like to know more, please get in touch via email info@ intuitivehorse.co.uk or ring Emma on 07825 036301
Intuitive Horse

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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