Peruvian Hass avocados, pink grapefruit, pomegranate and prawn salad
Refreshing, colourful and healthy, this is a wonderful salad that makes the most of creamy Peruvian Hass avocados. Preparation:...
Refreshing, colourful and healthy, this is a wonderful salad that makes the most of creamy Peruvian Hass avocados. Preparation:...
These delicious savoury avocado muffins are perfect for breakfast or brunch – and they’re great for packed lunches or...
The ideal food for baby weaning! Peruvian Hass avocado makes a perfect ingredient for baby food – it is...
Adding mashed Peruvian Hass avocado to the recipe gives these brownies a rich flavour and fabulously moist texture. Preparation:...