Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: M.E.

  • Life purpose

    Life purpose

    The Importance of Purpose – for those with M.E., CFS & Fibromyalgia As a Chrysalis Effect Practitioner, Jackie Webster understands the importance of each of the 8 Essentials Elements in life (as identified by The Chrysalis Effect) being addressed and brought into balance, knowing that every time one of the eight elements is addressed and…

  • Supporting your recovery from chronic exhaustive conditions

    Supporting your recovery from chronic exhaustive conditions

    Honour your wellbeing throughout the year when recovering from M.E., C.F.S. or Fibromyalgia. Has your ‘new year, new you’ resolve dissolved? Sometimes it is all too easy to forget to keep doing the things that work! It’s similar to the situation when your GP has prescribed antibiotics and by Day 6 you are feeling so…

  • Thriving or surviving Christmas with M.E.

    Thriving or surviving Christmas with M.E.

    Christmas can bring up a variety of anxieties, worries and issues for us all, especially for those with chronic exhaustive conditions who, by their very nature, are perfectionists; ‘A type’ personalities and usually the ones to organise Christmas. So here are some ways to pre-empt and avoid the Christmas crash, taking out the worry of…