Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: running

  • Learning to run – diary entries from a newbie

    Learning to run – diary entries from a newbie

    Why run? It all started in a ‘moment’ a moment of madness, of impulse, of spontaneity or something else – yes it was in fact a Senior moment! Reaching the end of my 65th year I had the urge to ‘do something’ I could be proud of, and something that would get me out of…

  • Train for race days in Winter

    Train for race days in Winter

    We often find it difficult to gear ourselves up and be brave enough to train in the cold as there’s nothing less motivating than the threat of frostbite and black ice. Whether you’re training for the marathon or competing a winter 10k run, Fitness First have pulled together the below pointers on how to combat…

  • Tempo – Eastbourne’s Specialist Running Shop

    Tempo – Eastbourne’s Specialist Running Shop

    Tempo is a specialist running shop run by Wes Mechen and Faye McClelland. Faye McClelland is an international paratriathlete, the four time World Champion and is hoping to achieve success in the Rio Olympics 2016. Wes can sadly not claim to compete on an international stage, though has achieved success on a more local level…

  • Vivibarefoot Trail Shoes

    Vivibarefoot Trail Shoes

    Vivibarefoot trail shoes performed extremely well during the Adidas 24h. We experienced a storm that raged all night and this resulted in more mud than Tough Mudder, where we also tested them. Paths turned to rivers whilst running in the pitch black with only our head torch to guide us. Anyone that has run in…