The Butterfly Effect
I was sitting in my friend’s garden recently, when a beautiful butterfly chose to land on my mug. This gentle and delicate creature seemed happy to stay there with me, softly sampling drops of my tea. Time stopped as this tiny creature mesmerised us. Its pale blue wings lightly caressing the air, as it stayed balanced on the ridge of my cup, exploring its contours.
Elegant creatures symbolising peace and serenity, calm and tranquillity, perseverance and resilience, butterflies are often associated with gentleness and change.
Their life is an extraordinary one. Starting as tiny eggs they hatch into small caterpillars and, after feasting on leaves and vegetation become mighty chrysalises. Of course, from there, the metamorphosis takes place, culminating with the opening of those majestic wings.
Some Cool Facts About Butterflies
- Butterflies have been around for at least 50 million years
- The UK registers 59 species. Sadly, 75% of these species are in decline
- They can’t fly when the temperature is below 13 degrees celsius
- They have taste receptors on their feet and drink from mud puddles (the puddles have all the nutritious goodies they need)
The “Big Butterfly Count”* is taking place between July 12th and August 4th. It is a gigantic national survey of butterflies, and everyone can take part! Counting those pollinators is a little bit like taking the pulse of nature.
While spotting, counting and recording butterflies this month I invite you to reflect on this quote I heard in a TED TALK:
“A caterpillar consumes, a chrysalis transforms and a butterfly pollinates, what if we re-thought midlife so it is not a crisis. How about a midlife chrysalis. An age when what we have accumulated dissolves, we prepare to transform, spread our wings and pollinate our wisdom to the world. It is cool to grow old.“
Chip Conley
Through its short life, a butterfly reminds us to cultivate these life skills:
- Start small – the smallest idea or tiniest action can set into motion significant change
- Resilience – change is not comfortable, we need space to grow into it
- Perseverance – change will happen no matter what, it is inevitable
- Moving forward – leave the past behind
As we appreciate the beauty and significance of butterflies, let’s also consider how small actions can trigger positive ripples in our communities. A single charitable act can create waves of goodwill, reminding us of the profound impact we can have on the world around us.
Individually and collectively let’s dare to be the change we want to see in our organisation, family, community and life!
Words: Mathilde Barbier
daretobethechangetoday – 07947 319 362
A Touch of Gentleness for Family and Friends
Hand Massage Workshop in Rottingdean, 28th August – 10 am – 12.30 pm
This two-and-a-half-hour workshop will give you the foundation skills to share the gift of touch with family and friends. It is an introductory exploration to working with the energy of gentleness, bringing the spotlight on your hands and giving you the confidence to offer a lovely hand massage to people you know safely. No previous experience is necessary.
Touch matters to:
Share a special time between parents and children – Bring calm and relief to a stressed or anxious friend, colleague or yourself – Communicate when you can’t find words…
Get in touch today.