The Importance of Staying On Your Path in 2023
I can’t believe we’re already more than halfway through February!
The start-of-the-year energy is definitely feeling a little wonky. We still don’t have a lot of clarity on so many things. COVID is gone, but not really. The economy is doing good in some places but not in others. Jobs are growing and yet there are layoffs. Overall, things aren’t horrible but they also aren’t stellar.
In times of such unsteadiness and uncertainty, it’s important to return to valuing what’s important and meaningful to you, and to come back into alignment with what’s true and unchanging in you.
What brings you joy?
What allows you to thrive?
Owning your own energy, valuing your gifts, and having the courage to trust your intuition will allow you to thrive in 2023 and beyond.
How The Start of the Year Supports Us
As the outer light wanes, we turn to focus on our inner light. That unwavering light within us stokes our desires and fuels our passions. It’s in this place of acknowledgment we can reflect on how we have honored our own light in the past year and also how we have dishonored it. How have you owned your energy? Where did you give it away?
While this is a yearly occurrence and a beautiful practice to have every year, this year I feel we need this period of reflection and acknowledgment more than ever.
2023 is going to be a very active year full of unexpected events, epiphanies, and revelations. It will be a year full of outer distractions. It already has been so far, hasn’t it?
These outer distractions may come in the form of world events that are big and scary, but that we have no ability to control or impact. They will take our energy and place us in a state of fear that keeps us from fully accessing our own energy and may dim our inner light.
Outer distractions may also be other people’s chaos and drama that pulls us off our own path.
Clarity Is Your Friend
You will need clarity, discipline, and connection to your internal fire to stay on your own path and in your own energy in 2023. Taking the time now to establish a deeper connection and recognition of your inner light will make it easier to maintain and strengthen that connection as your guiding light next year.
Historically, we may have used outer touch points, frameworks, and practices to cultivate stability and connection in our world. These may be changing or shifting, requiring an internal reference point — our inner light — to guide us in discovering the new frameworks, touchpoints, and practices that we need to thrive in 2023.
For example, your job may be your bedrock of stability, worth, and value. But in 2023, you may be laid off or discover that your company doesn’t practice the values that you wish to live by. Or you may discover you value yourself more than your company values you, which upends this bedrock of stability in your life. You will then be forced to turn to your inner guidance to develop that new sense of grounding and stability.
Another example is health. Perhaps your old ways of operating don’t yield the same results in the current environment. The ways you maintain your health and vitality may need to shift to match the current environment, which is different for different people. Every person has their own unique body with its own needs and requirements. You have to determine what your system needs now for optimal health and vitality. I can almost guarantee that your 2019 habits will not keep you healthy and vital in 2023.
Prioritizing Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being
Even more important than physical health is your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Right now in history, there is more energy, more experience, more life, and more emotion being felt by all of us on a regular basis.
That means your self-care practices need to shift to allow your system to process the volume of life you’re currently experiencing. This may mean your historical meditation practices don’t feel the same or yield the same results as they did a year or two ago, and maybe there are new self-care practices that are calling out to you. Maybe you need to do MORE of the practices that do work for you. Maybe you need to be way more consistent in your self-care practice.
What I can say for certain is that 2023 will pose a more poignant time for reflection on what works for us and what needs to be tweaked for us to stay in our energy and health.
Ready to begin that reflection? Book a call with me today so I can better understand what your pain points are, what’s frustrating you, and where you want to grow and thrive in 2023.