What is coaching and is it for me?
When I first started out coaching, I used to panic that people wouldn’t get the title of my newly-chosen profession. In my previous career I worked as a live-events producer where I felt respected and valued. Though I eventually found the stress of the work too demanding and knew I needed a change, I always held my head high when explaining my role. Why did I care so much what other people thought of me? I would often rehearse out-loud, whilst driving in my car, the answer to that dreaded question “and what do you do?”
I now truly believe that it’s what you do and how you do it, that matters, not the title. Helping people make changes that transform their lives in a positive way is a pretty amazing way to make a living and why I love my work.
I moved with my husband to Send in Surrey six months ago and know that this is home. Being able to walk from the house – across fields, along the river Wey, over stiles, exploring public footpaths and actually enjoying getting a little lost is simply glorious. People have time to say hello and we feel a sense of community already.
Being part of this community and starting to feel that I belong is vital. It is a basic human need to want to belong; to fit in. My clients often talk about not fitting in – feeling out of their depth or struggling in work or personal relationships. Recognising they feel stuck and wanting to make a change in some way but not knowing where to start. Personally, I welcome change with a big ‘Hello there!’ which is most likely why I enjoy helping clients to embrace a change they desire to live a happier, more successful life.
In today’s environment coaching feels more relevant than ever. Every new year we see a surge in gym memberships, and we resolve to start exercising more as we strive to achieve greater physical fitness, but why are we less attentive to our own mental fitness? Self-care is an on-going process and is as fundamental to staying healthy as looking after our physical body. Coaching is like having a personal trainer for your mental wellbeing – investing in your future happiness.
So, what is life coaching, and how can it help? In essence coaching is a conversation-based approach that helps move someone from where they are, to where they want to be. Whether you are looking to explore a goal, follow a new career, have a better life/work balance, have more self-confidence, manage a break-up, challenge a limiting self-belief or simply follow a dream – coaching helps you gain clarity, and feel motivated to take positive action to get there.
I often ask potential clients – When was the last time someone really listened to you? I mean really listened to you without piling in to tell you about their similar situation or going off on a tangent to tell their own story. That unique time to focus on yourself, and your thoughts and actions, is where the magic happens.
As people navigate a path to feel better about themselves, they build stronger and healthier relationships with their colleagues, friends and families, and as we know – better relationships build better communities.
I admit I am an advocate of coaching, but I do feel changed and in a good place both mentally and physically. My aim is to stay true to my beliefs and avoid looking back and worrying about what other people think, that’s their business. We can only change ourselves and live our best lives.
About Catriona Rogers
As a certified transformational coach, Catriona Rogers helps courageous and ambitious women who want to revamp their lives and progress their careers. Catriona helps her clients embrace change – to grow in confidence, become more productive and get clarity on the steps to reach their big vision.
20+ years creative event producer and brand expert | qualified coach | Animas Centre for coaching | work-life balance champion.