Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: coaching

  • Align your heart, mind and soul with wellness coaching

    Align your heart, mind and soul with wellness coaching

    Bring your visualisation to life and find your own Life Coach who will be your own personal pacesetter who you can work with you in a way that enables you to exercise and train beyond the mood.

  • What is coaching and is it for me?

    What is coaching and is it for me?

    When I first started out coaching, I used to panic that people wouldn’t get the title of my newly-chosen profession. In my previous career I worked as a live-events producer where I felt respected and valued. Though I eventually found the stress of the work too demanding and knew I needed a change, I always…

  • 9 Benefits of Having a Mentor in Life and Business

    9 Benefits of Having a Mentor in Life and Business

    Here is a list of 9 benefits you get from having a mentor who wants to maximize your potential:

  • What is a health coach?

    What is a health coach?

    What is A Health Coach? What do they do? Do we really need them? These are questions that I get asked a lot. To answer these questions, it is useful to understand that although we are living longer, statistics show that we are not living ‘well’. We are suffering from more illnesses, both mentally and…

  • What is a Health Coach?

    What is a Health Coach?

    What is a Health Coach? It’s an expression that you hear about and read about, though what really defines a Health Coach and what do they do? In this article, Helen Prosper from Live Well and Prosper gives us an insight into what Health Coaching entails and how everyone can benefit. And don’t get alarmed,…

  • Do you dread public speaking?

    Do you dread public speaking?

    Do you turn to jelly at the thought of having to make a speech in public? How do you know this is scary? For that matter, how do we know anything is anything? Our brain clocks up what things mean from learned experience, which gets tucked away in memories to help us in future. It…

  • The stress of change

    The stress of change

    Autumn is here and we will soon be heading into winter. One of life’s certainties; the changing of the seasons which are all part of the circle of life. In fact the only constant in life is change! Why Do We Resist Change And Why Does It Cause Us Stress? Most usually it is because…

  • Life purpose

    Life purpose

    The Importance of Purpose – for those with M.E., CFS & Fibromyalgia As a Chrysalis Effect Practitioner, Jackie Webster understands the importance of each of the 8 Essentials Elements in life (as identified by The Chrysalis Effect) being addressed and brought into balance, knowing that every time one of the eight elements is addressed and…