Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

What is a health coach?

What is A Health Coach? What do they do? Do we really need them? These are questions that I get asked a lot.

To answer these questions, it is useful to understand that although we are living longer, statistics show that we are not living ‘well’. We are suffering from more illnesses, both mentally and physically, and up to ninety percent of them are thought to be caused by diet and lifestyle choices.

This is actually good news as it means we really can be CEO’s of our own health; that prevention and treatment through ‘healthy living’ is possible. It also means that Health Coaches are needed because ‘healthy living’ is not that easy.

We are currently living in a world of information and misinformation overload, whereby people are confused and stuck. Although it has never been easier to access information telling us how to ’get healthy’ it has also never been harder to sift through the constantly changing information, find the right information, get started and stay on track. Changing our behaviour and habits isn’t easy. If it was, many more of us would feel fit and well.

Health Coaches are trained to help you find the right information, create a plan, get started and ensure that you stay on a path that is ‘right’ for you.

Health is a journey not a destination, and a Health Coach travels with you.

A Health Coach understands the bio-individuality of people and will work holistically with you. They do not align with one particular diet or regime and they are not drill sergeants. As an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach I have studied over one-hundred diets and denial, calorie counting and ultra-strict regimes, which are unsustainable, are completely out of the window!

Looking at all aspects of our lifestyles
Nor is health coaching just about diet. It is true that what we eat does directly affect our health and how we feel, however conversely how we are feeling and our lifestyle often affects what, how and when we eat.

A Health Coach supports their clients to look at all aspects of their lives and the interplay between them. This includes looking at our sleep, stress levels, exercise, and our relationships both socially and with work. If any of these are out of balance it can negatively impact our overall health.

A Health Coach also has a listening role. They need to understand what you are trying to achieve, discover what you are struggling with and identify if there are certain barriers that are preventing you from attaining your goals.

Health Coaches often work in conjunction with other health practitioners. Maybe a diabetic nurse has told you to lose weight, or give up sugar, though being told it and being able to do it are two totally different things. The Health Coach will give you the support and tools you need to help you achieve this.

Individual goals such as, losing weight, improving fitness, having more energy, feeling less stressed, alleviating the symptoms of illness, managing a new health diagnosis are ultimately achieved by implementing small, impactful, relevant, achievable, sustainable lifestyle changes. In this way, you are likely to achieve your goals and so remain engaged and motivated. You could say that ‘success breeds success’.

The ultimate aim of a Health Coach is always to empower you so that you become your own expert and achieve the health and wellness that you desire to enjoy your life to the full.

I am an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach and work holistically with my clients. I am client led which means I work with what the client brings.

If you would like to achieve your health goals this year then please contact me to find out more. I offer a free 50 minute consultation.

Words: Helen Prosper

Please call me on 07545 227272 or email info
Or for more information please visit livewellandprosper


  • Helen Prosper

    I am a lover of life and people and I am ever curious as to what makes us ‘sick’ and what makes us ‘tick’.. So it is of no surprise that I have worked in the Health and Wellness profession for over 25 years now. I have worked with people of all ages, from babies to elderly pensioners and I ever seek to understand and learn from all my experiences and work so I that I can better support both myself and others in this fascinating journey of ‘life’.