What is Transcendental Meditation?

TM Teacher, Mark Heath, answers some commonly asked questions about Transcendental Meditation

In a nutshell, what’s TM all about?

TM is Transcendental Meditation. It’s a 20-minute twice a day technique that you can do anywhere as long as you have somewhere to sit. It is very effective at allowing the stressed racing mind to become much more restful, clear and calm. It’s super easy to practice (even children learn) and is validated by a ton of scientific research, including reduced anxiety, lower blood pressure, increased creativity and greater brain wave coherence! It’s been taught around the world for the past 50 years and over 6 million people have taken the course. It is taught in schools, prisons, businesses, police forces and even the military.

Why should I do it, what are the benefits?

The main reason people learn is to reduce the stress in their lives and TM does this extremely well, on a long-term permanent basis. People also come for various health benefits (better sleep, lower blood pressure etc.) since any stress related physical disorders can also be alleviated. When the stress goes, people find that they think more clearly, have more energy and can focus better. Finally, some folks use it as a tool to find greater meaning and connect with their deeper spiritual nature.

How does it differ from other forms of meditation, what’s the USP?

The main difference is that it is very easy to do and starts working right from Day 1. It involves no concentration or control of the mind, no “being aware” or “watching thoughts”. It’s not mindfulness and requires no change in behavior nor even a belief that it will work. Just do it, enjoy your day, and the results come spontaneously. It works by attracting the mind through increasing charm rather than forcing the mind to do something it doesn’t want to do.

How did you come to TM yourself?

I went to a free talk one evening when I was a student and the TM Teacher had such an appealing presence I felt I had to have whatever he was on! Of course it was TM!

What’s it done for you?

As soon as I learnt TM I felt an increasing sense of inner stability, calmness and joyfulness. My insecurities were significantly reduced and my sense of the wonder of nature also multiplied massively. Everything looked more beautiful and interesting!

Over time I became much happier and more fulfilled. I think psychologists would have called it a greater sense of self-actualization. On a more profound level I began to understand what life was about and why we do the things we do!

Sounds great, how can I find out more?

To find out more you can go to a free 1-hour talk that most TM centres in the UK offer on a regular basis. I teach meditation in Brighton and London. You can contact me – Mark Heath – at the Transcendental Meditation Brighton Centre uk.tm.org/web/brighton 07976 214373

I look forward to meeting you!

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