Affordable complementary therapies – one year on

The doors opened at The Human Touch Project for the first time on February 3rd 2014. Our central aim was to deliver complementary therapies to everyone, young or old, from all backgrounds, at an affordable price. In the first year we have achieved this aim and expanded our team from three to nine practitioners, treating over a hundred clients! At the core of the project are a collective of wise, experienced practitioners offering a diverse range of complementary therapies. We work from a shared space in our local community centre, providing treatments in a safe, well known, accessible setting. By using a shared space we are able to keep the costs down and pass the savings on to our customers. We provide this great service because we recognise there is a need for it. We want members of our local community to feel visible and valued. We want them to see they are worth our time and energy and that they can be included in the possibility of receiving complementary therapies.

We promote the use of complementary therapies as a tool for improving the quality of life, a way to decrease physical stress levels, improve circulation, ease eye-strain, headaches, back ache, ease aches and pains throughout the body, aid restful sleep, decrease anxiety and emotional stress, promoting of a sense of calm, tranquillity and serenity, increasing the feeling of wellbeing and bringing about a sense of rejuvenation. There is also a ripple effect from the client’s wellbeing improving, which has a positive effect on the relationships around them, on their work performance and on their positive mental attitude.

Our clients are giving feedback informing us that they feel the service is great value for money and return repeatedly. They enjoy being able to access so many different therapies in one space so can, for example, come in for a reflexology treatment and afterwards can have a pedicure or sit down and have a homeopathic consultation. They like that they can choose to have shorter sessions of 30 minutes, or can book for an hour or more.

The resident practitioners are all qualified and insured and often offer more than one therapy. Currently the physical therapies we are providing are Hand Reflexology, Deep Tissue massage, Holistic massage, Swedish massage, Indian head massage, Facial massage, Craniosa- cral therapy, Zero balancing, Metamorphic technique and Crystal Reiki healing. We have a guest therapist providing Shiatsu treatments, and have beauty treatments on offer so you can have a manicure, pedicure or a deep facial cleansing treatment. We also offer Homeopathic consultations in two forms; the first form is the acute consultation where the homeopath looks specifically at an acute illness, for example the common cold, and prescribes a remedy specifically for that ailment. The second form is the full consultation where an in depth family and personal medical history is taken then a remedy is given on the day, or may be delivered a few days later. Our homeopath is able to make a phone consultation with you if you are unable to attend the project in person. We provide Iridology consultations. Iridology is the analysis of the iris, which is the colourful area of the eye that surrounds the pupil. By analysing the iris, a person’s level of health and specific areas of nutritional deficiency can be identified. This allows appropriate remedies to be recommended.

Our clients have shown that there is a need for us to provide them with in depth information sessions, so all of our practitioners are able to offer time at the weekly clinic for questions regarding their particular practice. We provide animal healing for pets at the weekly clinic (by appointment only).

Gift vouchers can be purchased, so you can gift friends or loved ones at any time of the year. We keep our costs as low as we can. Clients pay for the amount of time spent in the space. We charge the full price for people in employment and the lower price for retired, students and unemployed people. The cost for 15 minutes is £7.50 (£5); 30 minutes: £15 (£10), 45 minutes: £22.50 (£15), one hour: £30 (£20) The low cost weekly clinic is at the heart of the project. We are growing and evolving; developing ways to support the clinic by offering our service to local businesses on site. This allows employees to gain health benefits, be supported in their work space and give back to their community, as 20% of each fee paid is given back to and used to fund the hire of space for the weekly clinic. We attend local wellbeing events, helping to raise money for charities. In the coming year we plan to offer our service to local care providers, taking the service on site to residential homes and day centres. We’re developing a programme of ‘affordable workshops for all’ and aim to start delivering that programme and to begin to provide ‘affordable sessions of Laughter Yoga and Bliss Out Meditation’.

To access any of our therapies you can drop in to the weekly clinic. It is held on most Wednesday’s from 1.30 to 4.30 pm at The Shoreham Centre, Shoreham by Sea, BN43 5WU. You can also book an appointment for any of the therapies, for a homeopathic phone consultation or for an information session by contacting us on 07796 518667 or by leaving a message on the wall of our Facebook page at If you are unable to attend the weekly clinic, some of the therapies are provided at other times and locations. For more information regarding this, to buy a gift voucher, to request a visit from the practitioner team to your event, business. school, rest home. day centre, or for information regarding upcoming workshops and classes contact us on 07796 518667 For more in depth information about any of the practitioners or the therapies please visit our website at

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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