Being with horses
Recently I was working with a client in the herd, and the horses had become very still whilst having a doze. The environment was calm and the sun was out, making it a very pleasant day. We were about a hundred metres from the herd at this point, as we were transitioning into ‘being with the herd’ from talking.
We then noticed a fox casually gambolling up to the horses and walking through the herd. The horses didn’t pay any attention to the fox, and the fox wasn’t concerned by them; they all continued with their business. This was a beautiful example of how being present and quiet enough in oneself allowed each other to sense exactly what the others’ intent was in that moment.
Watching this example I suggested that we do the same, as the fox turned and was starting to make its’ way in our direction whilst sniffing at the hedgerows. Within minutes the fox was a couple of feet away from us, as we stood still like statues just taking in the environment. The fox walked up to the rabbit holes near us and started peeing in them, then paused whilst he/she looked at us before continuing. It was a humbling experience to be in such close proximity to a wild fox and such a beautiful demonstration of how ‘quietening ourselves down’ enough had enabled such an opportunity to occur.
When I cast my mind back to the days when I worked in riding schools and mucked out fifteen horses every day, then rode five or six of them one after the other, I can see that the contrast is so different. I seemed to accept that this was what you did in the horse world and there is nothing wrong with that if it suits you, though I felt something was missing. The constant ‘doing’ and running from one job to the next kept me disconnected from myself. It was like I couldn’t be still but I didn’t know why.
By allowing myself to just connect to me and the horses and be with that, I gradually changed my perspective of what I was doing with the horses. I realised how much they had to offer and how much of them and their characters I had missed when I was the one dictating everything we did.
The scene in the photograph here has become my norm – hanging out with horses! Why? Because there is nothing better than being amongst horses and being enveloped by their calm presence when they are in a place of no stress from demands being made of them!
In this place they show you what it truly means to be in the present moment. It is a meditation in itself that leaves you feeling centred, clear and connected not only with them, but with yourself also! Not only this but when you allow yourself to just be with them in this space you also start to notice nature in a different way, and the quieter you become the more nature reveals itself.
We have created an environment which allows for the horses to live outside 24/7 and not need stabling, shoes, rugs etc. They have over one hundred acres to roam in and live as a herd of fourteen who live out all year round and are no longer ridden. People join us for workshops and retreats where they get to spend time soaking up the atmosphere and coming back to self as they inwardly quieten down, and the horses choose if they want to connect or not.
If you would like to join us on one of our 1-day workshops, or to find out more about what we offer please visit our website.
Emma Ross
Intuitive Horse