Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Digestive tea

D’Amazonia, buoyed up by accelerating sales at Daylesford, Amazon and its own rapidly expanding online shop has responded to a growing influx of interest (especially within the healthier food & health food wholesaler fraternities) by commissioning a stylish sub-range of eye-catching/recyclable cardboard packs that will launch into the likes of Tree of Life this Summer.

Spring 2022 has seen sea-change momentum for this Sussex-based functional infusions pioneer which was born as a result of a mother & daughter commitment to shake up UK functional teas by providing a ‘real’ alternative to the traditional purveyors of ‘impossible-to-identify’ teabag dust.

In stark contrast, D’Amazonia only champions amply-proportioned jumbles of 100% natural ingredients (packed with natural caffeine, anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories), a holy grail of rich, lingering flavours, aromas and entwined healthier living benefits which arrive in planet-friendly bio-degradable tea pyramids.

Even now committed health-junkie co-founder, Marcela Tupinamba struggles to believe how an impromptu promise to support her mum with her daily gym regime, (Polyana had been diagnosed with ‘early doors’ osteoporosis) quickly morphed into a dynamic, 3-strong functional tea challenger brand. 

According to Marcela, ‘Having realised that traditional gym beverages (coffee + energy drinks) only gave short bursts of amplified energy before we hit a brick wall mid-session, we set about creating our own blends of ‘substance over image’ functional teas, which combined fulsome flavour palates with added nutritional benefits.

Initially Sleep Tea was D’Amazonia’s stand-out hero as restless adults struggled through the dark wintery months. However, the advent of warmer weather and longer nights has seen Damazonia’s Digestive brew come to the fore as growing numbers of consumers appreciate the inextricable bond between good gut health and digestion with improved moods and enhanced mental wellbeing.


  • Ian Hills

    Ian Hills is an experienced food marketer and writer, a vocal champion for ‘amazing brands of tomorrow.’ The bigger Pilchard vision is to change the nation’s food & drink landscape for the better helping emerging ‘real food’ brands step out of the shadows and enjoy some positive attention they so richly deserve. Too many mediocre mainstream brands are living off past glories and historical low bars. Today’s consumer deserves so much more in terms of intriguing flavours, nutritional gravitas and sustainable, planet-friendly thinking.