Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Little Kickers Joins Forces With Lifeplus 

This September sees an aligning of like-minded people as Little Kickers forms a mutually beneficial sponsorship alliance with a leading wellness and lifestyle brand, Lifeplus

Established back in 2002, Little Kickers was the original pioneer of football programmes for pre-school children, countering the uncomfortable dearth of activity orientated activities for inquisitive pre-schoolers.  Today 70,000 children in 34+ countries (360+ franchises) attend award-winning classes each-and-every week. 

Lifeplus for its part had set out ten years earlier on its own ground-breaking mission to foster a more holistic approach to wellness via a far-reaching portfolio of nutritional supplements, healthier body products, vitamins & minerals, weight management products, organic skincare and nutrient-dense shakes. In turn, helping others unlock their wellness within and lead happier and healthier lives. 

What binds the two businesses together outside of a deep-seated appreciation of healthier living values is their shared capacity to inspire entrepreneurial individuals to reach their full potential and either set up a football franchise or become an associate, thereby marrying a fulfilling career with an improved work-life balance. 

By becoming the official sponsor of Little Kickers football kit and balls, Lifeplus will support Little Kickers in its tenacious bid to accelerate the evolution of its extensive football kits from polyester to more sustainable, eco-friendly fabrics made from ocean-harvested plastic; a bold industry-first scheme that will be imminently extended into planet-friendly hoodies, socks and beanies.  

According to Lucy Hills, Little Kickers spokesperson, ‘this is truly a fantastic union of like minds that will enable Little Kickers to put its sustainable vision on a truly global footing whilst forging a long-standing business alliance with a leading light in the blossoming wellness space.’ 

Senior Marketing Events Manager at Lifeplus, Michelle Wilson, comments on the new sponsorship; “My children have been Little Kickers members for two years now and I have seen the enjoyment as well as the practical skills it brings. I am thrilled Lifeplus are partnering with Little Kickers to advance them on their sustainability mission, something which is close to our hearts at Lifeplus and has a strong focus internally now too. Not only do we share like-minded values in helping to make the world a better place, but we too want to help a younger generation in understanding the importance of what we do now making a difference in the future. And of course seeing kids being active, having fun and improving overall wellness always gets our vote.”  

For more information about Lifeplus, their products and to hear more about their approach to wellbeing, visit 


  • Ian Hills

    Ian Hills is an experienced food marketer and writer, a vocal champion for ‘amazing brands of tomorrow.’ The bigger Pilchard vision is to change the nation’s food & drink landscape for the better helping emerging ‘real food’ brands step out of the shadows and enjoy some positive attention they so richly deserve. Too many mediocre mainstream brands are living off past glories and historical low bars. Today’s consumer deserves so much more in terms of intriguing flavours, nutritional gravitas and sustainable, planet-friendly thinking.