Our Broken NHS & How You Can Help Fix It!
After forty years of practicing osteopathic and holistic health care, I have come to realise that there is very little interest in the origin and nature of health in modern medicine.
We have a National Health Service, which allocates minimal resources to “health”. It is a disease-prevention, management, and treatment service, that has grown too big to be managed efficiently. The public have been “taught” to rely on their doctor to give them “a pill for every ill”, and not to be more responsible for their own health. It is driven by big pharma companies who fund most research, but not research into health promotion.
What Can We Do?
Discover how you can help take the pressure off our sick NHS by engaging with your own FREE NHS, or Natural Health Service. Watch the video HERE, then begin to plan to improve your lifestyle and your own health.
Words: Michael Lingard BSc. DO. Cert.PBN